
Episode three..... Dawn of doom


Lever 99-18:   A war spaceship of the Marvells which contains a mass of destructive weapons and tech.

Zech plater:    A teleporting machine which teleports spaceships to the base linger.

Base linger:  The fourth guild which is used for keeping war machines .

Facul  reil:    A place which is the base for  all conferences of the tech Lords.

El venus:    Brother of Damien and ruler of XYREX.

Previously on XYREX

(Damien finally wakes up from his sleep and finds himself in a different scene of adventure and wrath. With him meeting a disciple of a god who is also a leader of all viscrons.....he stands against all odds and brings out the fatal war form with its desire for blood and rage. But,there stands out to be something not clear about this leader, What will it be...?)

Now on XYREX

Universe 5, Planet Marvell

(A Levor 99-18 enters the atmosphere of the planet moving past the already opened lenon shield which leaves the planet in invisibility. It descends slowly and lands on a zech plater.  It is then teleported and seen in the base linger(that is ,a base that is filled with spaceships and a mass of soldiers equipping themselves with war gadgets. The Levor 99-18 brings out an opening from which a manlike figure steps out. The opening then closes with the figure standing upright with its whole body armoured with tech. A soldier which is also equipped in one of the armours confronts him.)

Soldier:    Sir xenel,welcome back from your mission. There is a message given from the tech Lords to you.

Sir xenel:      Hmm, and what will that be?

Soldier:       I am in no state of power to descend it to you though, but you are being called for by them . If you may,please head to the facul reil.

Sir xenel:     Okay,you are being dispatched.

Soldier:       Yes sir.....!

Sir xenel:     And what are those Lords up to ...Is it about my brother? Well,I gotta get moving though.....

(Sir xenel then moves towards the facul reil's teleporting linger. He then stands on it and is being teleported to the facul reil.)

At the facul reil

(Xenel sees himself in the middle of darkness with no light being exerted out. Six hologram images sitting on thrones immediately appear around him forming a circle with him in the middle.).

Xenel:    Tech Lords of all universes....You have my greetings.

1st lord:     Greetings are not needed....You are not still done with the main mission descended unto you.

2nd lord:      yes .....and not to mention you taking our three planets without leaving a single survivor.

4th lord:      He is still doing his job though.....

6th lord:     Hmmm...always had been and will always be a cunning one!!

Xenel:       Enough...just bring out the main thing you want...

1st Lord:    Your brother,the most wanted marvell in all universes .

(The whole room becomes quiet all of a sudden. Xenel then walks towards the hologram of the 1st lord with his fists fixed and his whole tech armour lighting green with black linings).

Xenel:   Why do you want him!! Why him?(In a tech robot voice).

3rd lord:    That is not the answer we want...what we want is if you want to do the impossible...to catch your brother...The genius above all. After all ,you always play second to him.

Xenel:    Let's see about that!

1st lord:     It's a yes then.....We know you can do this...be back by the end of today without news.Till then.....

(The holograms suddenly vanish leaving Xenel alone in the darkness with his tech suit(armour) shining brighter and brighter with his head bent downwards. )

Xenel:    Brother!!!

Back on earth, johnsons street

(Billy ,luke and the huncho girls are seen walking together past the rillrail mall. They all have in their hands cones of Ice cream and a hot dog each.)


Huncho girls:    Can you boys explain what just happened today because we really need to understand this or else you ain't getting your balls out of here.

Luke:     What the.....,we are also in the same blank space you guys are in. And why the hell is our balls in this.

Billy:     Yep ...the person you should be asking this about is the main man,Damien!

Stacy:    Hmm,I wonder what may be happening to him out there ....

Luke:      Eeeh...are you worried about him...or .....

(Luke and Billy immediately turn and watch each other with a crazy smile on their face.)

Stacy:     Don't you dare to even think about that...

Billy and luke:    What if we dare !! Huh.....what you gonna do! Hahaha.....

(All of them break into laughter as they continue walking through the crowd. They then take their separate ways and say their goodbyes to each other. Billy then takes another route past the hallway apartment and enters the hinsey grocery shop. He then moves to where the groceries are,gets some vegetables and sends it to the cash counter. As he turns towards the television near the counter,it begins to lose its signal and blacks out all of a sudden. )

Billy:   Hmm,very strange...Huh!

(As Billy turns towards the exit,a human-like  figure immediately breaks through the rough roof and descends in the grocery store with his right fist on the ground together with his right knee and his body bent downwards.He immediately stands on his feet and moves his hand towards his right thigh which brings out a tech pistol containing large volumes of nuclear power from his tech armour which is lighting green with black linings,takes hold of it and aims directly at Billy in a lapse of just a second. )

Billy:     So you finally came back for me huh,brother!! or may I call you Xenon.....

Xenel:     Don't you piss me off brother...I don't really want to hurt you so just come along with me ....

Billy:       As if I would, you know me too well Xenon... from childhood, you always try to do your duty as the eldest but that jealousy in you about me is just too much.... Wanna get your ass kicked again?

Xenel:      I'm going to break you up till your manners fall in line with your bones....(In a tech robot tone)

Billy:      As if I would play that low with you....bone head....Raaaargh...!!

(Billy runs towards Xenel and sharply slides with both of his knees on the ground and his upper body bent backwards as Xenel shoots volumes of nuclear power towards him which passes directly above the face of Billy and blows away the entrance of the grocery store leaving remains of fire. Upon Billy reaching the stand of Xenel ,he immediately leaps foward with both palms landing firm on the ground, adjusts himself in the air whilst facing the ground, also releasing his left hand in the process and with a sharp spin of skill,uses the back of his right foot to hit the face of Xenel which is intercepted by his hands in the process whilst he holds the tech gun firmly. Billy then springs backwards with his right hand which causes him to land upright on the ground. )

Billy:     (panting) so you really saw that coming this time huh!!

Xenel:    why don't you stop joking around and show me what you really are brother....No weapons....

(Xenel releases his gun in the air which is attracted back into the suit sharply like a magnet.)

Billy:     Same old brother.....don't mind!!.....I'm in for this already.

Xenel:     What I was exactly expecting from a being of my bloodline.

(Billy turns his head sideways mischievously which brings out some little crack sounds. He then takes his grounds in a mode ready for attack and begins to crack his knuckles with each palm smiling. ).

Billy:     zetflok reel...!!

Xenel:    Hmm.....

(Fibres of wires start forming around the body and head of Billy accompanied with layers of golden tech which is being emitted from his  back. This leaves Billy in a full tech suit with it golden in colour and some white linings.

Xenel:    Let's begin then (In a tech robot voice)

Billy:     Let's be serious then ....(also in a tech robot voice)

(Both of them take their stands as their suits begin to bright more and more causing all the people who are screaming in the grocery shop to suddenly take hiding places.They both immediately run towards each other moving at a very high speed and strike a severe punch at each other which collides and causes a huge explosion.....the view suddenly becomes glitchy )

In a distant Realm.....

A sudden wave passes through the room causing the room to shake terribly. A dark haired boy holds on tight to the table and shivers....

What was that!! I think it caused a lot more damage than usual....maybe I would have to take this in another turn. How about ...changing the style of the story..

Upon the pen touching the sheet of the book.....


Continuation will be released this evening so stay in touch .....Till the last star is gone...
