
Episode 4 ........ Dawn of doom 2

"The air brushes through the mist of dust surrounding the destroyed grocery store. The sounds of sirens of police cars keep wailing as people continue running for safety. Two beings in a tech suit face each other with their fists fixed to destroy."

You know there was something really strange I inspired about you ,big brother. It was your urge to always become the best ,no matter how many times you failed...raaaargh!!

Billy leaps towards xenol with a strong punch fixed to slam his face. Xenel blocks the punch with his left palm and squeezes it hardly causing a tense aura around him.

And you also know one thing about you, little brother. You cannot stop passing me off!

Xenel gives Billy a strong uppercut which throws him far backwards .Billy grasps the ground with his right palm as he's being pushed backwards by the force.

Hmm.....you never cease to suprise me xenol but I think it's time we take the serious turns. You ready?

Let's kill ourselves then.....brother.


Billy raises his right hand towards the sky which causes a force field to surround the area.

I don't believe it will be strong for our fight though....but at least its a try. Come at me...Xenel!

If you say do then.

Xenel suddenly appears before Billy with a fiery kick positioned to strike th cheek of Billy.

"He's become fast....but I also became faster"

The time moves very slowly as their speed is enough to breach time itself. Billy moves his upper body backwards causing the kick to pass above him and does a back-lit in the same process. He fixes his hand  releasing his energy to be concentrated in his fists and makes a serious stance.

Fists of raining terror...

The time moves slower and suddenly stops.....


The body of Billy fades and glitches as thousand images of him begin striking the jaws of xenel in that time frame  ...The scene suddenly blacksout with the whole place in darkness. Strikes of golden aura cut through the body of xenel mercilessly causing him to scream in pain...As the view becomes clearer, xenel is seen kneeling infront of Billy with his head bent downwards.

You know what I always say little brother.....never learn to give up...huh..

Xenel punches the ground causing the whole ground to break inwards with lava flowing out of it and sighs...

You know we are gods....You know we conquer planets and are not some party babies. So the next time you tell elder brother to play with you,be more serious.....

Equinox !!

The whole scene freezes and glitches as a sudden green wave sweeps through the body of Billy with Xenel appearing behind him. He clenches his fists and sighs at Billy....

Not even your forcefield is strong enough for me. Next time,learn how to be more serious with me. I must say I am really disappointed with you...I thought you actually were beyond my expectations following the fact that you are the most wanted being in all universes.....

Xenel snaps his fingers which causes a sudden wave of terror.The scene becomes red as blood with the moves of xenel appearing in the eyes of Billy.

So he punched, kicked and ravaged me in just that time space without even noticing.....I am proud now...

Bye little brother.....

A red flame covers the whole body of Billy with numerous slashes of green waves cutting through the body of Billy as he screams in pain.The forcefield begins cracking and breaks into pieces with the shouts of Billy being heard in every corner. It then stops leaving Billy's body filled with smoke as he falls face front on the ground. Xenel takes hold of his hand and levitates, raising him in the process.

I tried to warn you....but you decided to let your manners fall in line with your bones .Billy clenches his right fist and watches the fazed out Billy before him.

Sorry.....I was the one to cause you this pain.

The right fist of Xenel releases a strong force which causes all the inhabitants of the city to be drawn down to the ground together with continuous cracks forming on every building. He punches the belly of Billy causing the body of Billy to be engulfed by flames and the waves breaking through his bones.


He releases the full force causing Billy to be thrown far into another continent with a line of lava being seen on the ground from his stand to where Billy is lying. Billy wakes up from the piled buildings on him and sees the long line of lava as we as numerous buildings destroyed and people injured with others dead.

Just that....caused all this. I should have been careful enough.  I know I take in planets and world's but this planet is mine to protect. Even if the person causing it is my elder brother. I am sorry brother  but I am done with acting I am hurt and all those stuff. I am a celestial level threat,the most wanted being and also a trickster..  I am sorry I have to use my power and strength against you but I will just use the lowest I can find.You wanted to fight me right,it's time to actually get serious.

His suit breaks off leaving his original body in his normal casual attire.

This is my lowest form,I hope it doesn't hurt that much....loren xek....First form...

Billy bows his head as a sudden red aura fills his body causing him to levitate in the air. The wires form around his body again filling his whole body with the tech armour suit with it totally black. The red aura concentrates around him causing the suit to light red with golden linings in it. The ground beneath him melts and boils with his whole body releasing a large amount af power.Xenel turns and sees from afar a red figure facing his position. The suit of Billy starts revolving plates of energy with the air becoming very tense.

It is time....fatal mode...!!

Billy fixes a right  punch and leaps towards the direction of Xenel in just a blink . As Xenel focuses his sight towards the direction Billy was thrown towards, he suddenly sees Billy infront of him with his revolving suit revolving plates of energy around his right fist....

I think I can't counter....this!!

Sorry ...

As the punch strikes the face of Xenel,it causes the whole suit of Xenel to break inwards with cracks all over and the energy devouring his whole body. He's is thrown away in a strange speed never seen(cannot explain in words) leaving a path of  mass obliteration and causing a leak in time which suddenly sucks in the body of Xenel. The whole area is covered with smoke and cries of children all around as most of the buildings are seen destroyed and a lot of people hurt...

I hope he will be alright though.....this is the twelfth time someone has been hit this hard. Hmm, I have to do something about the strength of my punches.

Billy then releases the suit which moves back into his body leaving him stunned upon seeing the deep path of lava through buildings and his brother nowhere to be found.

Dimension 5, Universe 6

Planet Belol....Alpha moree graven.

A portal sharply opens as a being suddenly flashes in sight and crushes through a mass of buildings. He gains consciousness some hours later and sees that various spaceships are flying to and fro with improvised technology and airborne trains. He then lifts his eyes as he sees a series of weapons being pointed out unto him . He then notices that the weapons are far advanced than what they usually have in shock and the environment in a far modernised world. The captain approaches the being and sighs.

Who are you?

Urrgh my head,my armour....

We thought we asked you something

Huh.....I am missing though, but where am I....First time my armour had a crack.. 

Guess you are one of those peaks then. Boys,pick him up....we r going for a stroll....and by the way ,you are in a different Dimension.

A hologram appears before the being and smiles.

Welcome Xenel,I think your brother is far dangerous than we thought.

He's that strong, I never knew....

Well ,let's get you in .

An electric powered pistol is shot at him causing him to pass out. The soldiers then drop a gadget on him which covers his body with a forcefield and moves him into the warship.


Somewhere in space,Near Jupiter. ...

Universe 3.....

"I think this is finally what we have been looking for,out greatest fears fighting each other .....I don't know how we will survive but at least we get to try... "

The fists of Damien and Alex press hardly together causing the energy to concentrate even more....

You want to have a fight with the devourer of worlds huh ....prepare to take pain!!!


End of episode 4.....

