
Episode 5......... Where it truly begins.....


A loud explosion is been heard as the envelope of destructive aura spreads . A loud bang is heard again with another pressure of power sweeping through space. A being with flames all over his body is seen blown away into one of Jupiter's moon,Titan. Another being follows up with a strong punch on the face of the falling being as he descends on the grounds of Titan causing a huge explosion. He grabs the fiery being by the neck and raises him up.

Hmph....very pathetic.  Trying to defeat a ruler of all viscrons and destroyer of worlds. Did you really think it would be that easy..

Alex punches the face of Damien throwing him crushing into a nearby mountain.

Retractive force....

The force draws Damien back to him with him landing a serious punch on the jaw of Damien straight to the ground. He grabs the leg of Damien ,raises him into the air and slams him on the ground consecutively which causes the ground to break into bits. Alex then squats and grabs the hair of Damien as he smiles at him.

You know I do not really entertain these stuff but Azariel says I should train you. So for your next training, I would like to see how you will save your planet ...


The eyes of Damien burn higher with his body of flames becoming greater as his hair continues to release a fiery aura.

Don't you even dare to touch my home.....!!(In an angry tone)

Alex slams the face of Damien down into the ground causing Damien to bleed all over his face. He raises Damien's head again and watches straight into his face.

Don't talk harsh to your master,young one. I may look like your age mate ,but when it comes to experience, you know nothing.

Alex releases the hair of Damien and walks a bit away from him. He then lifts up a finger which brings out a purple ball of energy with electric waves all around it. It causes the wind around him to become tense and blow crazily as well as the grounds of the planet to melt.

You have two things to do. Save your planet and also try and get past me. Your time starts now....


Alex releases the ball from his hand which flies straight into space in the direction of the earth.

The eyes of Damien let out a huge fire with the flames around his body burning higher than before. The atmosphere of the moon starts turning red  with every where concentrated with heat. He stands up and fixes his fists as he watches Alex angrily.

Leave my home ALONE!!!!! Raaaaaargh....!!!

The flames around Damien become intense and spread all around him causing cracks on the ground as lava pops out . He releases the concentrated energy in him which moves upwards clearing the atmosphere and also envelopes his whole surrounding with destruction. As the view becomes clearer, Damien is seen walking towards Alex with his fists fixed. Alex smiles as he sees the flames around Damien becoming more intense and the plates of fire on his skin revolving faster with footsteps of lava coming towards him.

My home,my friends and everyone....you want to kill them all?!! Then you will die with them....Raaargh!!

Damien suddenly appears before Alex and strikes a strong right punch on the cheek of Alex which doesn't even move him. Slashes of fire are seen moving through the body of Alex continuously in a fast rate without him even moving....The punches and strikes of Damien are seen to be more intense and fast with no trace of them.Alex grabs the face of Damien sharply and is interrupted with a strong jab from Damien again oh his cheek.Damien leaps backwards and concentrates all his mind on his right foot which causes a huge wave of energy to form around it.  He leaps towards Alex which moves him fast in light speed and reappears in midair infront of Alex with his leg fixed.

This is for you being a jerk!!

He spins sharply and strikes his right foot strongly on the face of Alex with all his might which causes a massive explosion with volumes of fire pressing Alex down through the moon. It leaves a huge whole on the ground with lava everywhere. Damien then notices his body levitating and takes and strong leap towards the direction of earth causing him to move really fast . As he thinks about his friends, the rage in him becomes greater causing him to move faster than a micro second with a line of fire left behind . He suddenly appears before the planet earth and faces the direction of the ball of energy moving towards him. He concentrates on the incoming ball of energy which grows larger as it gets nearer....The atmosphere of the earth becomes purple dark with natural disasters happening all over...volcanic eruptions,tsunamis,earthquakes and others forming all around with everyone running helter-skelter . A portion of humans are also seen watching the skies as they see thunder booming and lightning striking all over .Damien focuses on it and tries to push it away with the fire around him serving as a barrier to prevent it consuming him.The ball pushes him backwards as it tries to make impact on the earth.

I have to...I have to save all....all of them..!!!

That depends on you though...hahaha. I was really surprised of how you actually used your power skillfully but you have to finish of the second option if you want your friends to be alive.  Afterall this isn't having much concentration of power in it. Its just a pinch though..hahaha....


Damien screams as the purple ball of destructive energy continues to push him and devour his body....Alex watches the scene as he sits on the moon and smiles.

You actually have some courage in you boy....


The flames around Damien fade out as the energy ball consumes his whole body and continues to push him towards the earth...


Damien sees himself in a void with darkness all over.....

Where is this place...what is happening to me.....?

You could have survived this if you could just let me in....You and I are one. There is no exception to it...(In an echoing tone)

Damien looks around and sees darkness all over with no one around. He gets frightened and starts walking backwards.

Who....who is that? and why.....

I am you.....just accept yourself for who you are and stop resisting your power.....!!(echoes)

Power??.....That being.....!!

Yes .....!! Just accept me in.....!! (In a ferocious manner)

Reveal yourself!!

The darkness moves away as a dark glitching shadow is seen chained with his arms upwards and him kneeling as his legs are also chained with his head bowed. Damien moves towards the shadow and shakes with fear as he sees it has no eyes nor mouth...He then takes a step backwards and grasps his fists.

So it is you.....you are the one I saw on the laptop and also the one who has been torturing me to let out.

Huurmm.....just accept yourself and take me in. There is no denying the fact that this is you.

I am not taking you in.....!!!


The dark form immediately charges towards Damien and is restricted by the chains causing his face to be very near to Damien's. Damien watches the dark shadowy figure before him and sees a reflection of himself.  He remembers the time of his death and the raging energy ball moving unto the earth and gives out a sigh.

Come to think of it.....whatever you said is true. I am you and you are me. This power I have is something out of this world. But even if it is destructive, I will use it to protect the ones I love.  There is also one thing,I control you and you don't control me...I am you and I accept myself for who I am...But I choose.....because I am your keeper!!


The darkness begins to envelope the place again with the chains shaking heavily as the dark form continues to try and devour Damien. Damien immediately grabs the shoulders of the dark form and brings it down back to its knees with a great force.....

You....you are truly the fragment of light which scared the gods....I accept you....


Damien's hands immediately lit immense flames and consumes his whole body with his hair raging with fire and his eyes blood red. The fire consumes the dark form causing the whole place to be on flames,breaks the chains and sucks in the dark form into Damien.

Arise .....El sacre.....war is ahead!! It is finally time we change the tide....with  the rage of the war form!!

Damien's eyes immediately open as they lit blood red with the flames burning intensely around his body. He let's out the absorbed energy in him which consumes the whole ball of energy raging unto the earth into hi body. The colour of the fire around him changes to purple for a while and them turns back into blood red.Alex smiles as he sees the raging Damien angrily watching him and claps.

Now I think you passed your test....

Damien suddenly appears  infront of Alex with a flaming punch positioned to slam the jaw of Alex. Just before impact, Alex's eyes glow brighter causing Damien to be trapped in a time freeze as a repulsive force shield is also around Alex.

I am sorry but I am not falling for that trick agai....

Before Alex could finish his sentence ,the time freeze cracks and breaks off with Damien's hand passing through it,repels the force shield sideways and strikes the face of Alex with a strong force unto the ground which causes one fourth of the moon to break inwards and fall off the moon.

He then grabs Alex's hair and raises him up.

Sorry but this is really going to hurt. Dance of urumachi.....!!

The scene suddenly freezes and becomes blurry as only lines of fire are seen cutting through the body of Alex.Alex falls down face front with his body not moving and his nose bleeding.

Damien grabs Alex and tosses him up,spins and blasts a ball of fire right through the stomach of Alex which throws him a few miles away from Damien on the moon. This leaves a huge burrowed path on the moon which is seen as a scar.Alex then stands up as he sways sideways as his bones are all broken. Damien watches him keenly and fixes a punch which let's out  huge flames around his arm.

You know one thing Damien...pfhhh...It's been long since I saw blood but you actually surprised me with that strength . Its making me hungry for more hahaha...

Alex laughs as he brushes his hands through his hair. He the smiles at Damien an winks.

You know something.....I think I want to go an extra mile with you . I will do you a favour by showing you something more than raw power. This is the first form of mine...just be cool okay .


Alex closes his eyes and concentrates on himself as he forms a force shield around him with gravitational force. A green line of energy starts circulating around him and emits large volumes of aura which keep cracking the force shield..Damien looks at it surprisingly and keeps his calm. The aura moves back into immediately and expels with a great force causing the force shield to break off and cuts through the moon causing it to fall apart on both sides. As the energy expels, a shealth of green skin which is platelike begin to form on his body to his neck. Six gem points of nature are seen fixed on his chest in a circular form. His hair expels green aura from it and moves in a wavylike form. A concentration of natural energy form around him with the platelike skin revolving faster and his eyes lit green. He gently descends on the remaining half of the moon with Damien a few miles infront of him. As Alex walks towards Damien,thunderous sounds are heard in every step of his with the grounds of the moon cracking and the remaining moon vibrating.

So this is what you have in you....you really are a demon.

I am not a demon....I am just your trainer for now....Evir notlarik, ruler of viscrons.

Unlimited power of nature huh,too bad I don't give up ....not now nor ever....raaaargh!!

Hmm ,let's see whether you can stand a touch of me. ....

Damien sprints which causes  flames to completely disintegrate ever everything around him and also causing him to move at light speed. He suddenly appears of Alex with a right punch fixed to hit the face of Alex but is seen by Alex in a very slow manner....

I think I remember this scenario of me trying to punch someone like that...let me just.....

Alex touches the forehead of the levitating Damien with his index finger which completely blacksout Damien blasts him away together with the remaining part of the moon. The broken moon pieces are also seen descending on the earth in a great pace.

I think he tried.....I shouldn't have used the nature form just yet....Azariel is the only one who could survive it though. I think I owe him  a favour then.

The eyes of Alex shine brighter causing the moon to reform back into its old shape .

Retractive force.....

The unconscious Damien is drawn back to

Alex as he puts him on his shoulder and is sucked into a portal .

In the Realm of gates .....

Hall of gates...

The god of gates,"Azariel " is seen sitting on his throne with his two palms resting on his sword. There seems to be twelve revolving nebulae before him as the stars shine brighter.....

At least a work is done....training Evir notlarik was actually a good idea....now for the much harder concept...

A portal suddenly opens as a being in golden armour with linings of diamond embroided in it moves out of it levitating. A floating crown is seen floating above his head with his whole body shining as bright as the mother star.....

So how is my brother doing then .....Azariel.....

The being bows his upper body before Azariel and sighs...

So you finally came to pay me a visit....El venus .....king of XYREX.....

I would like to see my brother...Damien right.....It is finally time for big brother to pay us a visit...

A loud slash of a sword is suddenly heard.....


End of episode five.....


Author .....lil_rexon.

Try to also read "A villain's hope " since it is also linked to XYREX. The background story of Evir notlarik.....