
Short Demo...... Bonus chapter.....

Dimension 5, the unknown ...

A being is been chained at the wrists of his hands and feets  which spreads both his hands and feet apart in the open at space. A huge machine with the size of quarter of planet earth's moon is seen to be above him and also in the form of a blaster with him in between. A set of five huge rings are seen to be rotating around him at different angles in a circulatory motion.  Another being suddenly flies out of a "just opened portal and smiles at the scene"

Aaargh..... is this really necessary?...after everything, you put me here to suffer.!!

You couldn't complete the mission...but, I have pardoned you enough to have a second chance Xenel.

To go back and defeat my brother huh?

Exactly....Now you are in my Dimension and I am the only one who knows how to get you out and how to also defeat your brother.....But it comes with much pain and agony.....A price ,one can never imagine to pay.

Do you mean.....the stars...on me.....??

Exactly,take this as a gift for me to you....You will now hold the power of twelve stars.....Do you accept?!

He's my brother....!!

A brother who nearly sent you straight to your grave huh!! Did you really think you could survive if I didn't come in? Open your eyes already.....

Blood drips from the head of Xenel as he grins at the third lord with much rage....

If my brother wants me serious....then I am going to be hell serious!!

That's more like it...make sure you survive  that enough to meet him.. 

Don't worry ,I will take it. I will be back for you...Brother!!

Ascension....Grace lonever!!

The turbines in the machine begin to move very fast and start sucking in the twelve stars at different galaxies. It charges up and blasts the consumed power of the stars  through Xenel with him screaming loudly in pain. Nerves of black energy begin to generate in him which causes his whole being to let out an enormous light which brightens up and fills the while scene as his screams are still heard.


The Realm of gods(Heaven)

Centre of life ....Hall of judgement...

The supreme is seen sitting on a golden throne with its whole being releasing immense energy and his hair levitating and moving in a wave like motion . His face cannot be seen as it shines brighter than the largest star and extravagant heat is being expelled from him. Several gods are seen to be by him but not close with their thrones in mid air and their bodies releasing a stong aura. They are arranged in in semi circular form around him on both sides as his throne is seen to be on a crystalline glasslike ground with stars flowing through them. The sight is seen in space with sounds of murmur all around.  A portal suddenly opens as a being steps out of it with him in a beach shirt and shorts with a dark shade. His hair moves upwards in a wavylike form as it is seen to be golden with large volumes of aura flowing from it. In his mouth lies a lollipop with a strange smile on his face.

So you finally came back ...El sacrel....the god of realms...should I make a feast for you?

The whole hall immediately becomes quiet all of a sudden as a wave of fear grips all the gods...El sacrel is suddenly seen to be just infront of the face of The Supreme with enormous power flowing from their bodies. The force in the room becomes heavy causing all the gods to bow down face front and their golden thrones cracking.

And you also don't change brother...Supreme ruler of all....The Supreme.....

Both eyes focus on each other as their lights become brighter and brighter till the scene vanishes....

In a different Realm....

Damien is seen to be holding the sword of wrath (variel) with Ragnarok bowing infront of him. The body of Damien is seen to be filled with blood and dark aura all over him. Two horns are seen on his head with his body covered in dark inscriptions. His blood drips on the ground filled with skulls and bones of the dead as he drags the sword on the ground whilst moving closer to the kneeling third prince of hell ...

From now, Hell bows down to only me!!!


End of Demo.....


Author .....lil_rexon