
Episode 6...... What is within........

Scene flashes rapidly....

Alehoru nev ru...Devourer of worlds ,conquered of life and justifier of death...You know who you truly are!!  A total god of destruction.....

Sudden blackout...

A light opening suddenly appears amidst the darkness.  A being is seen suspended in mid air near the position of the clouds. His whole body is seen to be dripping with blood and numerous balls of destructive blue energy surrounded  around him. The balls are the only things which light up the night as the clouds are darkened with sounds of thunder and bolts of lightning striking intensely on the grounds. Countless number of dead bodies are seen to be lying on the ground with war machines and creatures totally obliterated. Flames of fire and lava are seen to be everywhere as a remaining half moon is seen in space with a view from the ground. The view from the ground is as if he is infront of the huge remaining half moon in the skies. The view is sent closer to the face of the being with his hair dripping with blood and his body motionless. He suddenly raises his head with a crazy smile on his face and a crazy tone of which he speaks....

Let it rain blood!!!

Evir's eyes suddenly lit open as he sees himself in mid air with a protective shield around him and dark aura condensed in it. His eyes immediately turn black causing all the dark aura to penetrate into his body. He then clears away the shield and descends slowly unto the plain green grounds of the land.

As much as it may seem, I am getting pissed by these dreams everytime they hit hard on me. I think I would like to go for a hunt anytime now.

A warship descends slowly a bit away from Evir with Commander vustork walking out of it together with a number of armed viscrons.  They bow upon reaching the stand of Evir and stand again after his gesture.

My lord.....the North rells of Titans have begin making preparations for the attack on one of our  captive planets. We request an order to take them out.

There will be no need ,Commander vustork.  I think I am ready to hunt today.

As you say my king.

Evir suddenly teleports leaving Commander vustork together with the rest of the soldiers.

Sometimes I feel pity for those he goes to hunt. There is never a trace of survival for them . Evir is a beast in his own skin.....A devourer of worlds brings in much torture than any other being.

Scene changes....

A huge wind is felt blowing all over with lava popping out of the ground. The skulls and bones of dead souls are seen on every part with two moon eclipses seen in the sky. The sky is seen blood red as cries of souls are heard all over.... Damien shakes with fear as he sees himself  dripping with blood and a demon lord before him....

Well how do you like death on your wishlist...

Aaaargh.... !!

Damien rises up from the pile of boxes and panics with fear as he sweats profusely.

Where am I?.why does it smell like food in here...?

He looks around and notices he is in a sausage factory. He then gets up and walks out unto the streets looking for a possible way home.The clouds are seen darkened as the light the moon brights up the night.


The taxi cab passes by him and continues to speed away. Damien then walks towards a nearby billboard and notices he is in a different country.

How.....how will I get home? I can't really remember anything which happened to me lately. It's as if everything was cleared out of my mind.

Hey kid!!

Three hooded guys confront Damien with and tap his shoulder. He turns and moves some steps back as he sees a gun in the hand of the main guy.

Care to leave us a treat...you don't want to get hurt do you?

I....I don't have any money on me..

Well then ,if you don't want it easier, I guess we will have to go an extra mile.

The other two grab the hands of Damien and try bringing him down but he resists. The main guy then moves towahim and strikes the head of Damien with the bottom of the gun but still sees Damien standing.

Why is he still standing?....

Boss ,I don't actually know though....we cannot even bring him down.

I don't know what you guys are trying to do but it looks a little weird.

Shut the hell up!!

The main guy shoots the gun at him but notices Damien doesn't move at all.

Damien watches his chest and sees nothing on it. He then looks at the two guys in a weird way. The two robbers leave hold of him and make a run for it leaving the main guy infront of Damien. He shoots multiple times at Damien and still notices nothing. He looks at the gun in a weird way and looks back in the face of Damien.

Why isn't it working? I think you should try it on me...

I should shoot you...

Yes ,try it on me.

No I don't want to kill you....why don't I try the other thing .

Fine with me.

The main guy gives the gun to Damien and closes his eyes. Damien watches him weirdly and sighs..

I have never seen anyone this stupid....(In his mind.)

Damien leaves the gun on the ground and takes a nearby cab which speeds away.

Are you there ....bro.?

The main guy opens his eyes and sees the gun on the floor with Damien nowhere to be found.....He then picks it up and makes a run for it whilst shaking with fear .

Oxnell Street....

Damien sits in the cab and tries to recollect some memories of what happened.  A sudden lightning strikes right infront the cab causing it to those sideways and crash. Damien notices that the driver is bleeding. He kicks off the backseat's  door and moves to the driver's side to rescue him. After drawing out the driver from the cab to a safe place ,he moves to the light beam which is coming from the point where the lightning striked. He takes some steps back as the light fades out and a female being is seen right before him with a hammer in her right hand. Blue aura is seen filled all around her body with the clouds darkening more and more.....Damien shakes as he sees the young girl before him with her hair glowing as her aura continues to spread.

Who are you?....

The young girl raises the hammer and places it on her shoulder. She then takes a step forward and leaps into the air as she descends the hammer on Damien.

Your worst nightmare !!

The light from her body brightens up the whole scene causing it to fade out.

Universe nine .....

Planet Titan...

The warships of the Titans are seen gathered in various numbers in space right before their planet. The Titan warlord moves through space in armour and points his spear at Evir who is before them with his sword in his right hand.

Raknerva ikur berkar....irolamer vir!!


The warships release their attacks and speed towards Evir in space with their warlord leading. Evir smiles at then and grips the sword firmly causing it to release dark aura around it...

You want to die so much huh.....come at me!!Raaargh..!

A sword slash is suddenly heard...


End of episode six...


Author ......Lil_rexon