
A New Beginning.


Long ago, through this hell …. I felt you burning, long ago♪. Long ago, amidst the pain…. I saw the end, long ago♪. Humm…. Mumm, oh long ago♪. Doesn't the screams of the weak sound so appealing?

Shut up!! I swear, I will kill you. I will kill you all!

Kill? Kill who? Us? That's so cute, but I'm afraid that won't be possible right now. I'm busy with my meal you know. Hahahaha.

She grabs the hair of Damien and drags him on the ground as she takes a bite from the torn thigh of a young girl. Cries of pain are heard all around, with collapsed buildings and shredded humans laid everywhere. Damien struggles to move but his two arms are torn off, and his right leg burnt.

Human blood is so astonishing I would yearn to lick it up every day. I feel like I'm reborn. oh, what a beautiful sight to behold. Liknurev ekspatarv.

Stop it! Don't! I will do anything you want but please stop. Stop this!!!

Hahahaha, you want me to stop, make me.

She smiles villainously towards Damien and raises her left hand, which brings out a violet ball of energy from her palm. A blackhole appears in the middle of the city, and sucks in all the nearby buildings and people. She crazily laughs and lifts the torn body of Damien's body raising his hair and laughs at his face. Tears drop from the eyes of Damien as he cannot move, and all nearby people killed. The survivors who try to escape are being smothered by lightning leaving only remains of blood.

I thought I saved everyone from Evir. I thought I had finally done something right with my power, but I realize I was just weak. I was just a weakling(sobbing).

Now you look really pathetic, I guess there is nothing else that makes you special now. Such a waste, after travelling lightyears for a stronger opponent.

She throws Damien away and grabs another human trying to run with lightspeed.

Where do you think you are going? Weakling….

Nira grabs the head of the 30year old man and rips it out from his body, causing his blood to spill on her. Damien stares at the bloody scene with rage and forces out a regeneration of his left hand as he screams.

Damien, to be honest you were strong. At least than these human weaklings, but that can never destroy as god. I'm Nira, child of Gilgamesh, god of treasures. It's just crazy when I think of it.

Damien crawls from the pile of bricks on him and grabs the feet of Nira. Nira turns, smiles and stomps on the regenerated hand of Damien, causing it to splash. Damien screams with his whole body bloody, and his eyes full of blood.

You are such an interesting fellow; do you know I was once dragged all over a planet by Krishna? It was so crazy. Huh?

Damien bites the leg of Nira and sucks her blood. This alarms Nira making her kick Damien away. The force pushes Damien and blasts him through two damaged stores.

Something feels off about this boy. Is this fear? Me? Afraid? No way! There's no way I would fear a weakling!

Nira's heart skips a beat as she sees black flames sprouting from the damaged store. She draws out a blue flame which forms a bow and laces all her concentration on pulling the bow string.

It's time to end this! Maker of worlds, gems of fire. Heart of life and bone of death. I am the end of everything, and the end is I. Lox destruct!!(goodbye, Damien -whispering)

The energy from all surroundings moves into her with her hair turning crystalline and bow wine. Her eyes blaze with a bloodlike flame and a wine arrow forms on the string. Nira pulls it back further and leaps into the air, smiling as the energy of the blackhole is all sucked into the arrow. She releases the arrow straight on Damien which creates a 10x nuclear explosion enveloping all of the city and half of the surrounding city. Nira descends to the ground and sees the large crater caused and sighs.

That should have been enough to destroy two planets, but the planet is still standing. What is happening? Was the energy absorbed by the boy? Wow, such a pain he's dead now. I guess my work is done here.

Nira turns to leap into the air, but a strange dense pressure grips her heart. She stops and turns to look at the place where Damien was and sees a shadowy figure with black flames burning around him. She takes a step back as she feels fear gripping her heart, but suddenly sees it right Infront of her.

(within that instant in Nira's thoughts) That was faster than lightspeed, how did he get so close, and with a punch fixed aiming right for my face. The dark flame around the fist is deadly, and that power from it just in the air. My thoughts can't react in time. Is this…...DEATH?

Didn't I tell you; I would kill you (glitchy voice).

Thud…Boom mm!!! Blackout.

Lindell hotel, Belgium.

Isn't it just scary that you are always in a fight with the supreme, brother? To think you would choose here of all places to have a chat. You truly are the worst, big brother.

Come on Incarl , you are the only one among us siblings I'm free to talk to. Plus the ladies in this planet are off the charts, besides you are always focused on your duties, my so called god of time. Hahaha… I still think breasts are the best.

Can't you just behave normal for once? Such a hassle. I wouldn't expect anything else from their omnipresent creator, the god of realms. I think it's time to cut to the chase. War!

The end of episode seven.


(I'm sorry the release delayed, but this time to the stars and beyond).