
Dark or Evil

Dark or Evil



The warm light of the sun spreads throughout the room, causing its rays to fall on the eyes of Jane. The sound of birds chirping fills the atmosphere with peace and calm.

Mm mm, what's this.

Jane opens her eyes slowly and stretches her arms out. She looks sideways and sees a wooden wardrobe at the corner of the room. Jane walks peeks around and finds a mirror in the washroom she rinses her face in a bucket of water, and takes a look at her eyes which was glowing grey.

I remember talking to the shopkeeper at the supermarket, but I don't understand why I am here. Is this a dream? (starts walking back in fear) No, no this can't be a dream. I can't be dreaming now!

Jane runs out of the room, descends the stairs and moves into the plain yard. She sees the villagers with chariots and a vast plain field crystal green.

This can't be happening! Not this again!!

Not what again? Do you despise the paradise I created for you? My dear child.

A woman rises out of the shadow of a nearby tree and stretches her arms.

Mm mm, what a good feeling to behold. It's such a disappointment that you woke up so early…. I'm really disappointed. You could have at least waited till I added a nice man to the picture.

You!! Let me go! I don't want any of this, I never asked for this.

The young woman walks diligently towards jane with her eyes closed. Her skin is as plain as the rays of the sun with her dark hair long enough to her feet. She heaps her boobs and flocks her hair with a gleaming smile and suddenly stops.

Hmm, that is surely a problem…. but who cares anyway (smiling villainously).


The leaves around begin to wither and the whole scene turning dark. Jane shivers in fear as she sees everything around her pitch black. She steps back and starts to see a burning inscription been drawn on her chest. The screams of jane become louder as the woman approaches with her finger drawing an inscription in thin air.

Arrgh, arrrrgh stop this!! Please!!!(crying loudly).

My dear time scraper, I love you as much as I love the crimson blood moon. There's nothing which can take you or I apart, Afterall, I'm not called the goddess of nightmares and deception for nothing.

A vast tense aura of evil fills the void of which they are in. The aura scatters and suddenly draws into the body of Jane. Blue veins are seen sprouted from her neck to her wrists as her eyes are left with a cold gaze.

El Noa! Boom!!! ...Now, can we go for a little hunt? My little puppy.

Jane bows as large rings of time energy form on the space behind her causing the void to crack. The goddess smiles as she is astonished by the power of jane.

Yes, my Queen.

Scene fade…...





Yes, war! We have waited long enough for this so much my heart is boiling out of rage. I want war! I want….

The latest PSSX console right, with the virtual environment.

Exactly! (With tearful eyes of joy)

You are such a dummy. I can't even believe you are the third strongest, I should put you into what these humans call an elementary school.

Oh really? (Chuckling at his elder brother). Says someone who always sucks on a lollipop like a two-year-old baby…. Hahahaha.

What did you just say!!!( smirking angrily with a dense aura causing the ground beneath them to break inwards. )

Dear god of realms, you don't want your precious humans to die…. Do you? Hahaha

El Sacrel slaps the forehead of Incarl to the ground with a plate causing a large burst of energy which ruptures and destroys the planet with a huge explosion. El Sacrel releases a force around him to disperse the remains of the explosion from him. A crack in space appears with the god of time floating out of it towards his elder brother.

I knew you would do that so I created an alternate self, also I think your grandson also caused a bit of the explosion. Who would imagine you would kill me with just a slap. You and big brother supreme are beasts for real.

Yeah, I can see. He's my blood after all. Hahaha….

Don't start laughing when you just destroyed the planet together with your grandson and the child of Gilgamesh you meat head!

You again! (Clenches his fists angrily).

If you try anything funny, I'm never going to repair everything just now. (Giggling mischievously)

All right, I hear you. Get on with it.

Yeah yeah….

Incarl extends his finger and secretes a drop of crystalized water on the damaged planet. A burst of energy suddenly encloses the area and swaps back time at a fast rate moving everything to how it was before. They both suddenly appear on top of a building where they see Nira now descending in front of the taxi cab. Incarl winks at El Sacrel and swipes his finger causing Nira to teleport to another planet.

I guess that is taken care of. Your grandchild is now safe, anything more? Big brother?

No that's all. I think I would now return to my daily life.

Oh, you mean the lavish daily life of an immortal god.

Shut it, time weirdo…Hahahaha

Hahaha… it's always funny when you get mad.

The two gods both laugh as they tap each other on the back. Damien watches from the window of the taxi and shivers a little saying, "I feel something weird happened here, like some weirdos doing witchcraft or something…. uuurgh".

So now that we are done, can we discuss the school for demigods we were planning? Mm?

You mean the school for demigods you were planning. Such a weirdo!

What did you say again (pissed off).

I'm joking come on…Hahahaha

The two gods disappear into a shadowy void with their voices lowering away.



Nira suddenly crushes through a royal building from the teleporting ray of light. She rises from the pile of metals and bricks on her, but sees she's surrounded by thousands of Favire guards. She extends her hand downwards bringing out two blue energy swords, and points one at the head of the guards.

What are you waiting for, come for death! Your numbers are meaningless anyways.

Scene blacks out as fades of blue light are seen striking from every part in an instant. She sits on the pile of millions of soldiers with her whole body bathed in blood. Nira then stands and points her bloody hand at a billion soldiers gathered all over, as the whole planet is now at war with her.

Whether there are millions, billions, or trillions, the will of my father… WILL ALWAYS BE FULFILLED!!!!



The end of episode eight.


The new episode of A villain's hope will be released tomorrow.

To the stars and beyond.