
Untamable but different...

Gulp... smiling with teary eyes.

Can you please change your demands. Please....

You know that isn't possible Evir. You have grown too complacent and lazy. Did you think i would let you giddy up and fly around without any practice huh?! (Glaring in the eyes of Evir with an evil smile)

The child looks down on Evir who's holding on to the tip of the cliff with his sore fingers. He takes a bite from the fried chicken and dips it again into the sauce.

For God's sake he's not my problem for me to be taking care of his every move. He's not even worth my time Azariel! (Sobbing whilst crying)

Azariel smirks and slams the face of Evir with the remaining meat. He flies to the side of Evir and glares at him.

Do you want to die?

Hiekk... (turning his face to the other side in fear.)

(In Evir's thougts) Why did he have to be in a child form for this practice? I know gods tend to act similar to the form they pick up when concealing their godly energy, but why would he choose to look like a child now..uurgh!

What are you mumbling about?

Sorry master!! It... it was nothing. (Shaking in fear.)

You are using your powers more than using your brain Evir. I can't believe you are suffering for just climbing this tiny mountain with no access to your power. Being an ordinary mortal must be really hard for you,how about starting your training from the start.

Master,can you please stop with the jokes...

Do I look like I'm joking?( Glaring intensely at Evir)

(In Evir's thoughts) I'm going to die....

Not until you finish your practice !

Shit I'm really going to die...!!

Azariel swipes his hand to the right teleporting Evir and him to a nearby forest. He sits on a rock, picks up another piece of meat and shoves it into his mouth.

I'm saved!! Oh glorious angels.....

Shut up before I dip you in the ocean!

Hiek... (shivering in fear) I wasn't talking master ...

Now ,I have thought of you taking this time to migrate to earth. I want you to attend the school of Damien and take notes of his ways of life. As a teacher, you need to know the basics of your student. Don't you?

Yes... master.

Also make sure he's well nurtured for the wars ahead. It seems we will be past the peace period in no time. If he's strong enough by the end of three years ,I would give you vargkar( A gem which holds space energy)

Really....( with shiny puppy eyes )

Get that thing off my face before I slap some sense into you!

Yes master!! (mumbling to himself) I really hate this child form.



Everyday is just so tiring... I just got back from a trip and I have to get ready for a test in 3hours. What kind of a life is this!!

Look who's finally here....

Luke can you please not start this now(brushing his face with both hands)

Come on, you have to cheer up. I got us two beef burgers and a deluxe icecrust. You seem to have gotten bigger now. Did you do the inside mending with Jane?

What's the inside mending?

You know the word. I heard we aren't supposed to talk about it (whispering in the ear of Damien)

Get to the point dumbass!

I mean the S...E...

(Slapping the back of luke's head) why in the world would I even do that! It's not like Jane and I are even dati...

Damien covers his mouth and watches luke with a blushed face. Luke laughs wholeheartedly and gets another slap at the back of his head from Damien to shut up. Damien stretches and observes the students moving into the cafeteria. He sighs and puts up a worried face.

Speaking of Jane, I haven't seen her around. I think something might have happened to her but I'm not sure. Maybe I'm just overthinking.

Probably, you are overthinking Damien. It's not like Jane would just vanish into the abyss or run away without letting you know.

I also agree with you luke.

Cheer up man, I got some beer for us right after school. I heard if you are 18, you get free access to more than half of the beer( whispering to Damien)

Shut the hell up,idiot! (Slapping the back of luke's head.)

Damien smiles as he brushes the hair of luke and stares into the sky.

Maybe she's really just taking sometime off. I hope.



A man stands infront of a large screen as holograms of eight representatives are shown around him. The area is dark with the screens producing a tiny shed of light on the man and each reprebtative's face being hidden. He points towards a major screen which shows Bangrok causing havoc to the police and skips to the storm scene.

As you all see, this is the emergence of a new being outside the normal world. I believe we should bring him under us for specific missions since his skills are useful.

I understand what you mean agent lard. However reports state that the being has already been eradicated.

What the fifth representative said is actually true. My informants also state that there was no trace of him after the storm.

All representatives murmur and nod in agreement. Agent lard claps his had at once causingall attentionto be drawnto him

I understand you all have varying informations which settle down on a particular point, but I disagree with this. The video in our database shows that there was another person in contact, particularly a highschooler. We know of the existence of beings with supernatural powers and have done our best in restraining a lot to our side. This is also an opportunity to seize another strong subject for our goals. I will urge you all to mobilize your forces in response to this.

What if he doesn't want to cooperate,Agent lard.

The I suggest we do what we always do. We exterminate him.

End of episode....#XYREX
