Chapter 4

Jace turned to her. It was the first time Lorelei could see his face up close. 'Wow. He looks so much better in person,' she thought.

She couldn't help but look at every detail of his face carefully. He has cat-like eyes, but unlike Sam's, his are rounder but sharper on the inner corners. His brows are slightly arched, making him look intimidating. Oh, and his nose is so tall and sharp that it reminded Lorelei of Greek gods' sculptures she saw in museums. His lips are a bit down-turned on the corners. He has high cheekbones and a sharp, knife-like jawline.

'Goodness, Lorelei. Are you seriously checking this guy out?!' thought Lorelei again.

On the other hand, Jace is baffled by her question. 'How the heck does she know my name?' Jace thought. He was contemplating whether he should answer her question honestly or not. He had had enough trouble dealing with his "fangirls," and he's scared that the girl in front of him right now might be one of them.

"I'm sorry, but no. I am not him." Jace replied to Lorelei's question coldly.

Lorelei's jaw dropped in shock. She looked confused. "Are you sure you're not? You look just like this person." Lorelei said. She rummaged through her bag looking for his student card.

'Where did I put it?! I'm pretty sure it's just here a while ago,' she thought.

Lorelei was taking too long in finding his student card. Jace decided he should return to his work, "If you'll excuse me, we're getting kinda busy. I gotta go back now," muttered Jace as he bowed.

"Oh, my bad. Sorry for the trouble," Lorelei said and smiled shyly.

Jace left and continued on his job. More and more people were coming, gradually filling the place up.

"Lei, do you know that person?" asked Sam.

Amari looked at Jace who is now on the way to the counter. "Oooh Lorelei Jung," said Amari while poking Lorelei's waist, "I didn't know you know someone like him. He's kinda cute though."

"Uh," Lorelei scratched her head, "no. I think I mistook him for someone."

Sam just nodded and placed the meat servings near him.

"Sam you cook the meat. I and Lorelei should just eat," said Amari and grinned at Sam who is now grilling the meat.

"Why am I always the one grilling whenever we eat Korean barbeque?!" protested Sam.

"Why, do you want us to grill it then?" Amari countered.

Defeated, Sam just pouted at her reply. He didn't have any choice but to cook the meat if he wants to eat something edible. He knew if he lets them cook, they will just burn it and leave him with not-so-sure-if-edible burnt meat.

Amari and Sam were bickering if they should grill the garlic.

"I told you not to include the garlic! Why the hell did you pour all of it on the grill?! You know I hate the smell of it!" complained Amari.

"I'm gonna remind you, I am the one cooking here! Do I not even have the freedom to add garlic to my food?!" replied Sam.

"You better put those on the side of the grill! I don't want my meat near those things!" Amari grumbled.

While waiting for the meat to be cooked, Lorelei's eyes squinted as her gaze kept following Jace wherever he went.

'I'm sure it IS him though. Why would he deny his identity? I mean, with those looks? Heck, it would be impossible not to remember him,' she thought. Lorelei did not notice that she was too preoccupied with her thoughts until Sam called her.

"Lei, you're unusually quiet this time. Is something bothering you?" asked Sam.

"Ah, sorry. I was thinking where should we go next after this," replied Lorelei and grinned.

Amari picked up her chopsticks and checked the meat on the grill. "Yey! It's already cooked! Lei, let's eat now!" cheered Amari, obviously excited to eat.

"Hey! Stop putting too much meat on your wrap! Leave me some to eat, you know!" Sam whined and tried to get the meat between Amari's chopsticks.

"I'll be paying for these anyway! Might as well eat a lot!" said Amari who stuck her tongue out to tease him. Sam simply rolled his eyes while eating a wrap.

Lorelei just ate quietly and watched her two friends argue. She laughed at their petty squabbles as they finish their food. After finishing their dinner, which was mainly more of quarreling and less of eating, Amari was about to go to the counter to pay for their food.

Lorelei scanned the place and noticed that the Jace guy was nowhere to be found inside the restaurant.

Amari stood up, ready to walk but Lorelei held her wrist.

"Just sit down, Amy. I'll pay today," said Lorelei and winked at her friend.

"Oooh, just as expected of our cool bestie! Thanks, girl!" Amari winked back at her.

Lorelei grabbed her wallet and went to the counter. Shane, the guy who took their order was standing there.

"Ready to pay, ma'am?" he beamed at Lorelei.

"Ah, yes." Lorelei smiled back at him. 'He looks really friendly but dangerous at the same time,' thought Lorelei.

"Cash or card?" asked Shane.

"Oh, card please," replied Lorelei as she offered her card to make her payment.

While Shane was processing her bill, Lorelei suddenly asked him. "Where's the other guy? You know the," she paused and thought about how to describe Jace, "guy wearing a plaid shirt. Yes, him. Do you know where he is?"

"Oh, him?" Shane shot an eyebrow up, looking amused by the girl's query. He smirked and answered, "His shift just ended a while ago. You can see him here on weekdays though. He doesn't work during the weekends." Shane was now grinning. He wanted to laugh so hard but decided to just hide it and just pursed his lips.

Lorelei's mouth formed an 'o' as she nodded. 'Why would he tell me about that guy's working days?' she thought. She then tilted her head to the side and looked confused. 'Don't tell me he's trying to sell his friend to me?'

"Here's your receipt, ma'am. Please come again!" said Shane gleefully.

Lorelei reached for her receipt and thanked him. She went back to their table, grabbed her things, and left the restaurant with her friends.