Chapter 5

Lorelei's semestral break went by quickly. It felt like it was not enough even if it was a week-long, plus she did not get to spend it the way she expected it to be spent.

The first day of her break was spent with Amari. It was a pamper day for both of them. They went to a spa and got a massage, then off they went to a salon to get their hair and nails done. The two decided to end their day with a little bit of shopping. The next day, Lorelei went to a dog cafe with Amari and Sam but after that day, she spent the remaining days of her break doing nothing in her apartment because she had no one to hang out with. Amari and Sam went back to their hometown, and although Lorelei has a lot of friends, she doesn't spend time with them the way she does with Amari and Sam.

Finally, after her boring semestral break, classes resumed. It was the start of their second semester. Lorelei was all giddy because finally, she and Amari got to have the same class as Sam. It was a good thing but the bad news is it was her least favorite subject, History. All students were required to take the course at any point during their stay in the university, and it was only this semester that three decided to enroll in it.

"I can't believe I'll see this idiot's face more often now," grumbled Amari while eating her cheesecake. They were eating at the cafeteria while waiting for the next period.

Sam smirked. "Heck, you should be even grateful because this idiot's face can bless your eyes more often."

Even if Amari and Sam bicker all the time, Amari could not, unfortunately, deny his unbelievable gorgeousness. She doesn't show this though. Amari knows this halfwit's head will only get bigger than it already is.

Amari acted like she was about to barf at his comment. "Who in the world said you are blessing my eyes? If that's the case, I would rather be blind," said her and rolled her eyes.

"Oh really?" Sam said in a low voice. He got up from his chair and leaned his face near Amari while giving her a rather playful smile.

Amari got flustered by his actions for a moment but got back to her senses quickly. "Really," she shot back. She gave Sam a sarcastic smile and pushed his face away.

Lorelei was just sipping her cola while enjoying the romantic, comical sight in front of her. "I know you guys are my friends but you know what, I wouldn't be surprised if you two would end up together," mumbled Lorelei.

"EW!" exclaimed the two at the same time. Lorelei just laughed at their reaction.

Lorelei checked the time on her wristwatch, "Oh, is it okay if I leave first? I have something to return first before going to Professor Im's class."

"Where are you going? Let's go together!" said Amari, still eating her cheesecake.

"Nah, I'm good. Just finish your cheesecake first," replied Lorelei while putting her things inside her bag.

"Sammy, you stay and accompany Amy, okay? I'll see you guys in class!" she already left before the two could even complain.

Lorelei went to the library to return a borrowed book. The library was quite far from the lecture hall so she decided to leave immediately. As she arrived at the next class' building, the corridors were only filled with a few students. She noticed a familiar figure near the vending machine and decided to approach it. It was the Jace Lee guy from last week.

"Hey, Jace Lee!" Lorelei called him cheerfully.

Jace recognized that voice immediately and frowned. It was impossible not to remember it when it was the first time he had ever heard such a high, irritating voice. His head turned in Lorelei's direction, who was now waving her two arms to greet him.

Jace was about to leave when Lorelei ran to him to catch up. "Hi! Have you found your student card?" asked Lorelei while beaming.

Jace still did not know how the girl found out his name, how the girl knew about his lost student card, and worse, why the hell is the girl acting overly friendly towards him. He does not want to deal with people like her so he decided to just feign ignorance.

"I told you last time, I am not Jace Lee." he walked out and left the girl standing there.

It was almost time for his next class. He started making his way to the lecture hall. While he was walking, he heard the clacking of heels everywhere he went as if someone was following him. He turned back to confirm his doubts and he was right, someone really was following him. It was that annoyingly friendly girl.

"Are you following me?" he asked Lorelei, obviously displeased by her presence.

"What? The hell you're talking about?" Lorelei asked, completely puzzled by his question.

"You were obviously following me!" replied Jace. He took a step forward to Lorelei and said in a low voice, "What do you want from me, huh?"

Lorelei grimaced at his words. 'Crazy asshat,' she thought.

"What the heck do you mean?! I'm clearly on my way to class, jerk!" she roared. Lorelei rolled her eyes.

"And you think I'm gonna believe that?" Jace scoffed. "I made it clear to you I am not the Jace Lee you are looking for." He paused, restraining himself to raise his voice at the girl. "You know what, girls as creepy as you are the WORST. You won't gain anything from stalking me so stop it already."

"Me?" Lorelei countered. She was never this offended before. No one has also ever treated her this way and no one has ever called her a stalker. "A stalker?! Seriously, why would I stalk someone? And if ever I happen to stalk someone, why the heck would it be you?" She looked at him from head to toe, "You're nothing special," said Lorelei with her head up and continued walking to her next class.