[Bonus chapter] First Snow

(December; 4 years ago)

Amari was never the superstitious type. Ever since she was a child, she was never fooled by the hilarious things other kids believe. Pots of gold at the end of the rainbow, four-leaf clovers' good luck, unicorns, Easter bunnies, Santa Claus — name it, for sure it will be on her list of silly-things-kids-believe.

Of course, Amari brought this trait as she grew older. She did not expect that her peers, especially the girls, would still be childish enough to believe in such superstitions (with Santa as an exception probably). She couldn't quite understand why they still get all giddy and excited over those inane beliefs.

"Do you think it will snow today?" said one of her girl classmates (Girl #1).

Another (Girl #2) sighed dramatically. "I hope so. It's already December and yet the first snow still hasn't fallen."

"It would be nice if could be with my boyfriend on the first snowfall," replied Girl #1.

"Eeeaak! Me too. I should definitely confess my feelings if ever it snows today!" Girl #2 squealed in excitement.

Amari couldn't help but sigh at her classmates' enthusiasm. 'Here we go again,' she thought. She did not want to be a killjoy so she just remained silent.

"What are you sighing about?" Lorelei, who was sitting in front of her, asked with her head tilted to one side.

Amari shook her head. "Nothing. I'm just bored," she lied.

"Haaaa. Same here. I wanna go home already," Lorelei retorted. Amari nodded listlessly in agreement.

First snow – another entry from Amari's list. It was another thing people made into superstition which, again, Amari didn't believe. For them, your wish will come true if you make a wish during the first snow. Some even believe that whatever you say during the first snowfall, even if those are all lies, would be forgiven. But mostly, people believe that if you confess your feelings to someone or just be with someone during the first snow, your love would blossom and last. The first snow for Amari, however beautiful the beliefs of others are, is just a natural phenomenon every winter.

Amari often thought that maybe she was an oddball for not believing in such things. If she wasn't an oddball, then maybe she just lacks romance in her system.

Contrary to Amari, Sam was a die-hard believer of those superstitions. Well, except for the silliest ones like Santa which he didn't stop believing until he caught his uncle changing into a Santa costume when he was 11 years old. One of the things he always looks forwards to every year was the first snow. He always takes note of who he was with during the first snowfalls but unfortunately, he hasn't spent the "special moment" with anyone just yet. Quite bad luck he has, huh?

"You guys wanna grab something to eat after class?" he asked his friends.

"Hmm. Sure! I want to eat some tteokbokki though," replied Lorelei lively.

Amari, who was slouching on her chair just seconds ago, jerked on her seat upon hearing it. "LET'S GO," she said as if she was going to enter a battlefield.

"Sheesh. Calm down, chowhound. You just ate an hour ago," Sam said as he pulled Amari down to her seat.

Amari pulled her wrist from his grip and turned to him. "My point exactly! It's been a freakin' HOUR."

"And then what? You're gonna binge eat today and then starve yourself the next? Nuh-uh, Amy. That won't do," said Lorelei.

The bell finally rang, a sign that they are already dismissed in class. Each of the students hurriedly packed their belongings and grabbed their bags before dashing off outside their classrooms to go home. Amari, Lorelei, and Sam did the very same thing.

As they made their way out of the school building, a teacher called Lorelei's attention. "Lorelei Jung! Miss Jung!"

The three of them turned in the direction of the voice at the same time. It was their P.E. teacher who happened to be the adviser of their Student Council (which Lorelei happened to be a part of). They bowed to the teacher as a greeting.

"Good day, sir! Is something amiss?" Lorelei asked politely.

The teacher waved his two hands and shook his head. "Oh, no, not at all. I was wondering if you could help the other officers stick these to each classroom."

"It would be no problem, sir. I'd gladly help!" Lorelei grabbed the pile of flyers which looked like an announcement for an upcoming event of their school. The teacher said his thanks and ran off to God knows where. "You guys can go ahead without me. I'll just catch up if I can get these done early," Lorelei beamed at her friends.

"Are you sure? We can help you with that though," offered Amari.

Lorelei just shook his head. "I'll be fine. Besides, you're already dying to eat your snacks!"

"True, but I can still help you out though," Amari offered again.

"No, no, no. Sammy, please get her out of here, or else we won't finish offering and declining," Lorelei pleaded as she turned to Sam.

Sam wrapped his arm around Amari's head. "Right this instant, madam!" he said jokingly.

"Hey! Hey! Not my precious head!" Amari complained as Sam dragged her out of the building while holding her head.

Lorelei chuckled at her friends' behavior. "Bye, Amy! Bye, Sammy!"

As soon as they got out of the school building, Sam release Amari from his arm, and Amari in return pinched his cheek. "I told you not to do that, didn't I?"

"Ow, ow! Fine. Alright! I won't do it again, I promise!" Sam was swatting her hand to let go of his cheek. To Sam's relief, Amari did so.

"Where are we headed to?" Amari asked Sam who was rubbing his flushed cheek from her pinch.

"The usual? I don't know many places near here," he replied.

Amari couldn't help but clap like a seal in excitement. "Cool! Let's order two big portions then!"

The two then made their way to their favorite snack bar. It was just a few blocks away from their school, and fortunately, it was also near the bus stop where they can easily find a ride home. They walked and walked, and while walking, Amari glanced up to check Sam. His cheek was still red from her pinch earlier. She somehow felt bad and realized that maybe it must've really hurt seeing its bright red color. Amari held Sam's forearm, halting his steps.

"Huh? What is it?" he asked innocently.

Amari raised her hand, touching his red cheek. Her brows were knitted into one line. "Does it still hurt?" she asked gently.

Sam didn't know what the heck is wrong with him that time. Everything seemed to be blurry except for Amari's face. His breathing suddenly became shallow. He could feel his blood rushing to his face. But what's most bothering him was the sinking and tickling feeling down his stomach.

"Wh-What hurts?" he wasn't sure if he sounded clear but whatever, at least he successfully spitted the words out.

"Your cheek. It's still red," Amari said with brows still knitted.

Sam took a deep breath to control his breathing again. He gained back his composure and he was about swat her hand away until he noticed a white thing on Amari's hair. His eyes immediately widened. 'What the. Is it snow?' he thought. He opened his hand out to check if he's indeed right.

Amari noticed Sam opening his hand and a snowflake fell on top of it. She unconsciously let go of his cheek. "Woah, it's the first snow this season," she said in awe of the latest first snow she could remember.

Sam, on the other hand, just stared at his hand and then looked at Amari, and then back at his hand again.

Amari looked up at him. "You good?"

He looked back at her, dazed and flustered. "O-Of course! Let's go!" He faced forward and walked away with big steps which made it difficult for Amari to catch up.

"Hey! Wait for me!" he heard Amari yelling from behind.

Just like that, it dawned on Sam that he just spent his first-ever first snowfall experience (which was meant to be "special") with Amari.