Chapter 21

The library was filled with silence, but not a deafening one. The soft sound of page-flipping from time to time, a few clicking of pens, the faint tapping of keyboards, and the slight creaking of the library's door made the place feel alive despite the stillness. Along the numerous shelves, Lorelei was busy searching for a book in the history section. She thought she should do some initial research for their term paper because why not? Just like they say, the early bird gets the worm, and she sees no reason to stall this task.

After the announcement of their History professor a few days ago, she immediately proposed her plan to start early. Good thing her partner, Jace, agreed to it with no buts and excuses. Because they came to an agreement (which actually caught Lorelei by surprise), they decided to look for references whenever they're free or when they set a schedule together.

Lorelei continued scanning the shelf despite having five textbooks already in hand. For her, the more references, the better. It's always better to have more options on what to cite, of course. After a few grabbing and checking of books, she finally decided those were enough for today. Surely they wouldn't have much trouble looking for more in case they needed so (kudos to whoever invented the internet). She proceeded to the librarian's desk and successfully borrowed the books.

Upon leaving the library, she shoots Jace a message to inform him about the materials she got.

Lorelei: [Jacey!! I got us some books for references. I just thought you should know.]

As Lorelei continued on her way outside the library's building to finally leave and go home, her phone dinged with a message notification. She immediately opened it and as expected, it was from Jace.

Jace: [ Nice ]

Lorelei let out a strong exhale through her nose. "Nice?!" she scoffed in disbelief. "Why can't you even show a slight interest in our work? Gosh," she grumbled as if Jace could hear her through the screen of her phone.

Jace did hear her though, not through the phone of course. He was sitting on a step of stairs outside the building just a few feet where Lorelei was standing at the moment. "Is this what 'not showing interest' is like?" he said loud enough for Lorelei to hear him.

The girl, obviously startled by his sudden appearance, jumped in her place. Lorelei almost fell from the stairs, but luckily, she was just a step above the ground. "Wh-What the heck are you doing there?!"

Jace looked at the spot where he was sitting. "Sitting?"

Lorelei rolled her eyes, "You know that's not what I meant."

"Yeah, whatever. I was near here when you sent me a message so I figured you'll need some help bringing those," Jace puckered his lips, pointing to the books Lorelei had in hand. "Also, I have to read the books too, you know."

"Well, duh. Obviously, you should but you didn't have to get these right now," Lorelei rolled her eyes again.

"Then what? You're gonna babble on and on about my so-called tardiness?" Jace scoffed. "And as far as I can remember, you always wanted men to act gentlemanly towards you so just hand me those," he gestured his hands towards Lorelei, waiting for her to hand him the books.

Lorelei's face formed into a grimace. "If it's from you, then no thank you." A fake smile was plastered on her face but instantly faded upon finishing her remark.

Jace shrugged. "Okay, then. Fine by me. It's not like I actually wanted to carry those anyway." He made a few steps, closing the distance between them just enough to get to her side. "I'll be leaving now then," he said and then walked past Lorelei.

"Hey! Jacey!" Lorelei yelled from behind as she tried to catch up to him.

Jace waved his hand as a sign of dismissal and continued on his way. Lorelei, however, caught up with his pace and walked beside him.

"I thought we were done with our business there?" asked Jace with a brow raised as he looked at Lorelei.

"Are you headed home too?" Lorelei queried, ignoring Jace's question.

Before Jace was able to answer her, a guy wearing a football jersey suddenly called him from afar.

"Jace! Jace Lee!" Jace heard the man shouting. He stopped walking and squinted his eyes to check who it was.

Jace turned his head back to Lorelei and said, "Stay right here. I'll be back in a minute." He then made his way to meet the guy midway. The two did a bro hug as they greeted each other.

Lorelei watched them as she waited for Jace at the place where he left her. She saw the two men talking. At first, they looked serious, and then suddenly, they burst into laughter. She wondered what they were talking about that made Jace laugh.

Jace laughed.

She realized it was the second or was it the third? Anyway, it was the first time in a while she saw him laughing with no trace of sarcasm or fakeness. Well, not that he laughs nor smiles around her. Lorelei couldn't help but think that Jace actually looks better when he smiles. She remained standing in her place for a few more moments and then she saw that Jace gestured something, pointing in her direction. The guy wearing a football jersey gazed in her direction and smiled at her. The two boys talked for a second and then said something that looked like bidding their goodbyes. Jace then returned to where Lorelei was.

"Sorry for that. Anyway, what were you saying?" he asked while fixing his shirt.

"Ah, that. Are you headed home too?" Lorelei replied as she looked up to see Jace's face.

"Yeah. Why?" Jace looked back at her.

Lorelei got rattled by his action that she suddenly took a step back. "He-Here! I changed my mind. I could make use of your arms once in a while, can't I?" she said, handing Jace the books she was holding.

"You know, playing hard to get doesn't suit you," Jace retorted as he grabbed the books from Lorelei.

"I'm not playing hard to get! I'm also headed home and it's not like I'm the only one who's gonna read those!" she defended and rolled her eyes at him.

"Whatever you say. Let's go," Jace said and proceeded to his way out of the university. Lorelei then followed him.

While walking, Lorelei turned to Jace again. "I can't believe you actually laugh," she said out of the blue.

Jace whirled his head to look at her. "Do I not look like a person? Of course, I do laugh, dummy."

Lorelei wanted so bad to whack his head with her bag but she refrained from doing so. Instead, she let out a short but strong exhale. "You can't blame me! I mean you don't laugh around us so I thought that you just kept that straight face of yours."

"Oh, is that so? Well, I'll just let you know then. I laugh and even joke around. You just don't make me feel like laughing," Jace muttered.

"Excuse me?!" Lorelei replied. No one has ever said such a thing to her, especially when she's literally everyone's friend.

Jace shot an eyebrow up. "Why, do you want to make me laugh then?" he teased.

"Ew! As if!" Lorelei exclaimed with a scowl on her face. "Give me the books! I'll just carry those!" She grabbed the books back and then walked as fast as she can, nearly sprinting, just to get away from Jace.