Chapter 28

"Where are we going?" Jace asked while being dragged. It looked like they are now heading to the bus stop.

"Just somewhere to finish our paper's tranche," Lorelei said. Her lips formed into a smirk though Jace could not see it (which is good news). Of course, she would never tell him because if she does, he might back out and leave her company.

"I thought we're going to do it separately?" Jace asked again flatly.

"Change of plans, partner. Don't worry, I'm sure this wouldn't take long." Upon finishing her sentence, the bus headed to their neighborhood suddenly arrived at the bus stop.

Startled, Lorelei yanked Jace's arm hard to urge him to move faster. "Oh my gosh, the bus is already here. Get moving!" she exclaimed and scurried away to reach the bus on time.

Luckily, the driver saw them approaching and waited for them to finally get in the vehicle.

"Phew. That was close," she said while wiping the sweat on her forehead from running.