Chapter 29

Never in her entire life, Lorelei had been insulted like that. Being popular and a social butterfly, she was well-liked by everyone surrounding her.  But of course, it can't be helped that she has haters too. Haters who only ridiculed her fame and tried to find even her subtlest flaws. 

She had her fair share of hate and insults in the past but never did she receive an insult towards her writing. She is a good writer and she knows it. Her writing skills are the next thing she takes pride in after her sense of fashion.

And because of that, Jace's words were like a punch in the gut.

"How dare he?!" she murmured to herself while walking with large strides away from the salon.

"Dissatisfactory? Does he think he's some hotshot? Ha! As if! He's not even that good," she continues.