Chapter 31

"Weird. Why would J.B. ask for Professor Cho's previous Ethics exam?" Jace murmured after sending the file J.B. asked of him.

He had just finished his first exam of the day and now, he and Shane are headed to the cafeteria to grab something to eat. His exam was one of the exams scheduled on the very first period which is why he didn't have the chance to eat some breakfast. Shane, on the other hand, happened to have an exam with the same schedule too and decided to join Jace.

"Didn't he take it last semester under Professor Shin?" Shane asked while walking with his hands behind his head.

"Yeah, as far as I can remember," Jace replied flatly. It was so unlike J.B. to ask for previous tests especially those that he was not even under. 

Shane looked up, pondering what could be his reason. "Hmm…" he paused. "Maybe he was trying to help his junior? Gah. You know him well enough. He always comes to the rescue of his underclassmen."