Chapter 32

Lorelei and Amari were on to their last exam of the day. They were now seated at their usual lecture hall where their Ethics class were always held. And just as expected, their classmates were so tense because of their professor's "threat."

"Can you feel it?" asked Amari.

Lorelei examined the room. The students were busy scanning their notes one last time as they wait for the proctor to arrive in five minutes.

Lorelei nodded. "Everyone must be really pressured. Gosh, why do general electives like this always go all out in making their tests?" she complained.

"True though. It's not like they are major courses," Amari added.

Both of them sighed.

"Let's just scan our notes too. We don't have the time to review, you know," Lorelei proposed. For some reason, she does not feel that stressed anymore. Maybe because she already had a hardcore review earlier or it could also be because J.B.'s help put her mind at ease.