Chapter 33

'So this is what they're planning, huh?' Lorelei thought.

"Ah, right. I invited Jace to join us for dinner. You guys wouldn't mind, would you?" Sam beamed before glancing at Lorelei.

Lorelei glanced back at the two. Amari sat frozen with mouth agape while Sam was still grinning from ear to ear.

'So, it was Sammy who started this little scheme,' she thought. The boy was probably clueless about the little incident that happened a few days ago. She couldn't blame Sam for inviting Jace though since she didn't tell him about it.

Lorelei sighed.

"Uh…" Amari, who finally processed what was happening, made a sound, unsure what to say as a reply. "I'm fine with it. I don't know about Lei though. Is it okay, Lei?"

Now, Lorelei was left with only two options in dealing with the situation: leave or stay seated and share a meal with the man who just insulted her writing.