Chapter 39

"Hello? Lei? You still with me?" Amari was waving her hand in front of Lorelei's face. Her attempt to grab her attention failed so she tried once more.

The two decided to have a super late brunch at 2 PM together. Amari had just finished her last exam, and Lorelei, well, she was busy contemplating her life choices. Her head was on the clouds the whole time they were eating.

"Hey!" This time, Amari clapped her hand so hard that Lorelei literally jolted up from her seat.

"Huh? What? What is it?" Lorelei asked, obviously not paying attention to what her friend was saying.

"I was asking you what should we do for our 3-day health break but never mind that," Amari replied with a tinge of ire in her voice. "Is something troubling you?" The tone of her voice immediately changed from angry to concerned.

Lorelei's eyes fluttered as she was processing her friend's words. "Oh," she chuckled lightly, "No. Nothing. None at all."