Chapter 40

After eating their brunch, Lorelei and Amari decided to spend their time finalizing some of their requirements and projects for their midterms. Lorelei was giving finishing touches to her last write-up while Amari well… She just started doing its other half. 

It was a productive way to spend their time while they wait for Sam to finish his exams (since his Friday schedule was packed with it from morning to afternoon. Poor Sammy) and J.B. as well.

They ended up submitting the rest of their requirements by three in the afternoon and waited some more since most exams would be finished by four o'clock.

Speaking of which, it was already a quarter after 4 PM. J.B had told Lorelei he'll be finished by then and so, Lorelei decided to shoot him a message to check on him. However before she could even send it, J.B. already sent her a direct message on her social media account.

From: realjbond_

: hi, Lorelei!