Chapter 44

The next morning, Lorelei started her day pretty much the same as all the other days. Except that she has a hangover and a terrible one at that. Her head was aching too much, her body felt sore, and she was feeling groggy all morning.

"Goodness, just how much did I drink last night?" she muttered while massaging her temples, hoping to somehow ease her headache.

She was pretty sure that she didn't drink too much to suffer from a hangover this bad. Well, it may be not that much but considering that she is not a heavy drinker, it was still "too much" for her.

"This feels like shit," she grumbled again as she rose from her bed.

Lorelei went to the kitchen to fetch herself a glass of water and to check her fridge if she has any hangover drinks left. Unfortunately, there was none.

She rolled her eyes, getting annoyed by her own stupidity. She should have bought one on her way home.

Lorelei suddenly became more awake at the thought.