Chapter 45

At the same time that morning, Jace unusually felt lounging around and just spend the whole day chilling. Normally, he would do something productive even if it were not a schoolday but he was just not in the mood to do any cleaning or even work out. 

He shut his eyes again, trying to get back to sleep.

"Damn it. It just won't work," he mumbled with eyes still closed.

He immediately sprang up from his bed as soon as he realized that it was already impossible to sleep again since he was already awake. Jace decided to wash his face and brush his teeth first before making his way to his kitchen to make some ramen. Quite unhealthy for breakfast but it was his usual hangover food (even if his hangover isn't that bad).

To his surprise, he had already run out of instant ramen in his pantry. 

"Great. Now I have to go to the convenience store. Ha," he grumbled with sarcasm in his tone.