Chapter 46

Before Lorelei could even react, Jace pushed her face away as soon as they heard the elevator ding.

"Nevermind. You should try recalling it yourself first," Jace murmured before walking out of the elevator.

Meanwhile, Lorelei stood still for a moment before finally gaining back her composure and chasing Jace outside.

"Jacey! Hey!" she called.

Jace shouldn't have piqued her curiosity like that. Now, it's driving her crazy. She was already dying to know whether she had really done something or not. But of course, she was hoping that she didn't do anything indecent.

"Jacey! Wait!" she kept calling him until she caught up with him outside the building.

"What now?" he replied with a straight face while they were walking.

Lorelei's brows met. "You don't walk out like that after you're about to say something important."