Chapter 47

Their three-day break just started. It was already past noon when Sam woke up and he didn't expect the first thing he was going to see right after opening his eyes is Amari's face.

She was sitting beside him while he was lying on the bed. "Oh? You're up now?" she asked. 

Sam started to think about whether he is still asleep or not. After all, he is only half-awake so he wasn't quite sure if he's still dreaming right now.

He narrowed his eyes to get a better look at her face. He was staring so intently at her, still dubious if she was indeed the real thing. Sam stretched out one arm to reach her face. He placed his hand on her cheek to cup it and started to gently rub his thumb around.

"You have drool on your left cheek, Amari," he blurted out unconsciously.

Amari looked daggers at him. "Hey, is that really the first thing you say to me as soon as you wake up? How ungrateful." she grumbled before pushing his hand away and wiping her cheek.