Chapter 48

"Maaan, I'm stuffed," Sam murmured while rubbing his stomach as he leaned on the backrest of his chair.

The three of them met up to eat their hangover soup. As promised, Lorelei paid for their meal again.

Somehow she often ends up paying for their food for some reason. It really doesn't bother her though but the thought just came to her mind as she watched Amari and Sam finish pigging out.

"Hey, why do I always end up treating you guys to a meal?" she finally asked, "I mean, it's fine with me but I just realized how often I buy, you know."

The two looked at her with curious looks.

"You never make us pay, didn't you know? Well, there are times when we chip in too for our share but I don't know why you like to pay for everything we eat sometimes," Amari replied. "Excluded the times when you treat us because you promised or you owe us something, of course."