Chapter 54

(During History class)

Jace couldn't focus on their professor's lecture because of one thing: someone's leg shaking from behind.

True enough that it isn't visible on his side but the sound and the feeling of its shaking still reached him and it just bothered him so much.

He turned his head around and glanced behind him. His face scrunched into a frown upon seeing how restless Lorelei is. Now, he can safely come to a conclusion that it was the girl doing it.

Jace stared at her for a moment with a hint of annoyance. He wanted to reprimand her so badly for shaking her leg but the lecture is still going on and disrupting the class is what he wanted the least. Also, even if he does reprimand her, the girl looked like she wouldn't pay him any attention seeing that she spacing out though she looked troubled.

His efforts would only be wasted, he deduced.