Chapter 55

Lorelei was convinced that luck must have sided with her this time.

The issue about Professor Im's incident was solved already, finally lifting the burden she had been carrying all day (more like a whole week). Plus, her pair, the oh-so brightest, annoyingly scrupulous Jace Lee, didn't bother asking her any more questions why the professor had requested her presence.

Even if that was the case, she was still wondering what the hell he was standing about outside their professor's office during their talk.

Could it be that he followed her because he noticed something? Lorelei thought it was most probably the case. He wouldn't be there if he had not noticed anything, more so since it was only Lorelei that was called upon.

Lorelei huffed as she crossed her arms across her chest.

The two of them were still traversing the hallway though Lorelei wasn't sure where they are exactly headed.