Chapter 62

"What's with the rush? We still have ten more minutes until the class starts," Amari asked while heading to the designated lecture hall of their History class.

"That's the point, Amy. The building is too far away from the caf, you know. It takes roughly five minutes to get there from the cafeteria," Lorelei made an excuse.

Why was she in a rush, though? She started wondering herself. It's not like she's exactly worried about getting late since there's more than enough time to head to their class. Plus, it's not like she was heading there in a hurry to see Jace and get her earring back.

Okay, maybe a tiny part of her wanted to see Jace ASAP for some reason. Maybe because she wanted to confirm what she had deduced – that he took her home last night, she didn't know why it should matter whether it was indeed Jace or not. Still, something inside her wanted to sate her curiosity even if it was already apparent and all the hints pointed at Jace.