Chapter 63

As expected, the library was teeming with students. There were almost no vacant tables or seats left, but luckily, Lorelei and Jace managed to find some for them.

The two were sitting quietly at the library while writing the rest of their paper. The library was silent, but Lorelei's head was nothing like that. She was still berating herself for expecting something from Jace earlier, and it was just mortifying on her part. She couldn't stop giving herself a mental facepalm while sighing none stop.

"Stop that, will you?" Jace reprimanded her in a low voice when she let out a sigh for the nth time.

Lorelei just rolled her eyes, although Jace couldn't see it since he was busy typing. The girl went on with her work as well. She wouldn't want this annoying man to scold her again.