Chapter 64

Lorelei watched the familiar buildings around while walking with Jace to God knows where. They were still near the university, where shops and restaurants were lined up next to one another.

"Are we there yet?" she asked the boy as they were getting farther and farther from the university by the minute.

"Almost," Jace replied and then sped up, briskly walking this time.

Lorelei had no choice but to make haste as well. "H-hey! Wait up!"

Damn it. I thought we were eating because of me? Shouldn't he be more considerate of my body's state? I can't even follow his speed because I'm feeling out of it all over again, she thought.

As soon as they left the library earlier, Lorelei's headache just worsened. She wasn't expecting it since her condition got a bit better upon starting their work. However, after getting done for the day, it felt like all the hangover effects were pent up and released. And now, she was back to being groggy.