Chapter 68

Lorelei finally dropped the bomb after battling herself to keep it for so long (you know what it means. Wink wink), and she couldn't feel any better at that moment.

She took a long and deep breath, indulging the slightly chilly air she was loathing (regrettably) earlier as she made her way back to her apartment. Well, why wouldn't she? It was literally her sworn enemy at that moment when she was busy fighting for her life. Quite an overstretch, but that's what it made her feel. It was a matter of life and death for her earlier.

After a short while, she was already standing in front of her house, where Jace was leaning beside its front door.

Lorelei froze, forgetting how to breathe for a second right there. She was suddenly reminded of how close (literally) they were earlier on the bus and how embarrassing her situation was.

Gosh. Why the hell is he here? I mean, my god, how am I going to face him after all that? She mused in her inner dialogue.