Chapter 69

Time indeed flies by so fast. It felt like it was only yesterday when they had their last History class, and now it was already Wednesday. Not that Lorelei has a scheduled History class today, though. It's just the day. The moment of truth. The most awaited (and fearsome) day for all students under Professor Im.

The girl wasn't really that scared, but she couldn't help but feel anxious. What if their paper needs a major revision? Worst case scenario, what if he makes them rewrite all of it?

The thought gives Lorelei a headache. The latter just made the old professor sound and looked like Jace. Lorelei snorted, realizing the horrifying yet possible similarity. She instantly shrugged the thought off when the staff in charge of printing in their university's bookstore handed her the pile of their term paper's printed copy.

"Will this be all, miss?" asked the female staff.