Chapter 70

Lorelei followed him quietly. By the looks of it, they're probably heading to the building's study area.

Jace was still briskly walking while Lorelei tried to keep up with him but stayed at a safe distance. She figured it would be best not to get too close to him since he really looked pissed this time. To be exact, it was the first time he looked genuinely pissed at her.

It's totally understandable, though.

Just like what Lorelei guessed, they arrived at the study area after a walk that felt like forever. Jace opened the door, and despite being mad at her, he still held the door open for Lorelei.

"Thanks," the girl said in a whisper.

Jace just looked at her with a deadpan expression and proceeded to an empty table.

There weren't a lot of students there at the moment, so they quickly managed to get seats. Lucky, yes. But Lorelei couldn't feel anything at the moment aside from guilt and anxiety.