Chapter 74

It is no surprise to catch a cold after a whole hour of staying wet and bedraggled from rainwater, but oddly enough, Jace hasn't. Although he didn't feel any cold symptoms, his body felt weak and tired for some reason. It's probably due to yesterday's fiasco, but oh well, he just needs to deal with it right now.

The sun was already up and shining brightly outside. Looking at it, it's probably past 8 in the morning. "Still early," he murmured after taking a peek out his window. Jace was about to cover his eyes with a pillow and get some more sleep, but his phone suddenly vibrated beside him.

He groaned before grabbing it to check what that was about. He unlocked his phone only to be welcomed by a message from Lorelei. "What's gotten to her so early in the morning?" he mumbled, tapping the notification button.

It was a message saying that she couldn't help Jace out today in doing the revisions 'cause she has a cold.