Chapter 75

Lorelei was finally able to get back home (not so) safely. She couldn't believe her cold was that bad to have her collapse but good thing she was just steps away from her apartment when that happened. If Jace wasn't there to help her earlier, she would have passed out completely outside her place and worse things could have happened to her if it weren't for him.

"Take your medicine first. You pushed yourself too much just to get those when you could have just asked me to buy them instead," Jace looked away from her.

The girl could see how his ears are starting to turn bright red because of what he said. Lorelei couldn't help but smile, though weakly. It's probably not visible though since she was hugging her pillow. "How could I have asked you? It's not like I could randomly ask a favor, you know. I wasn't even sure if you're awake already."

"I was awake when you sent me a message. I even replied," Jace retorted.