Chapter 76

"Can I use your kitchen?" Jace asked her.

That made her uncover herself with her blanket and then turn to Jace. With narrowed eyes, she asked back, "Why would you?"

"What else do you do in the kitchen?" he rolled his eyes. "Of course, I'll cook. You probably haven't had anything yet, am I right?"

Lorelei hummed in agreement.

"Alright then. I'll whip you up something real quick. This wouldn't take too long. For now, you should rest first," Jace said while fixing the blanket for her. He then made his way out of her room, but before he could step out, Lorelei called him weakly.

"Jacey," called the girl.

Jace then whirled to see her.

"Thank you… really," she continued.

Jace just gave her a small smile. "Thank me later when you get better. It's too early to say that when I haven't done anything to help you fully recuperate." His sentence ended with a click from the doorknob.