Chapter 82

"You know what, never mind. I'll figure this out on my own," Jace muttered before attempting to leave.

His friend immediately blocked his way. "Hear me out first!"

Jace just rolled his eyes. "I don't want to hear it, and you know that I don't like it when I'm being forced to do something against my will. Who knows what you'll make me do?" He shivered.

"Oh, come on, Jace. When I said I got you covered, I didn't mean that I will actually intervene with you guys," J.B. tried explaining his point. "It's something like, mmm… You know, advising to you, I guess?"

Jace raised a brow. "Advice?"

"Yeah! To be exact, it's like asking you a few questions," J.B. retorted with oozing confidence.

"Ask away," Jace urged him.

"Right now?" J.B. queried as though it was something unbelievable.

"Yep. Right here, right now. I'm a busy person, after all."