Chapter 83

"Sorry! I'm late, aren't I?" Lorelei said in between her panting once she reached Amari's table in the study area.

Although she sprinted away from Jace because she was feeling shy for unknown reasons, she actually ran her hardest to reach the study area as fast as she could when she realized how late she was. The girl didn't realize it took her a pretty long time to talk to Jace earlier that she was already way past their meeting time. 

"Nah. It's okay, Lei. It's not like you're ever early," her friend retorted, then chuckled.

Lorelei pouted at her response. She couldn't really refute what she said since it was true most of the time (but not always, mind you). "Here. I brought your favorite pumpkin spice," she handed Amari the remaining cup in the drink carrier.