Chapter 85

"Did I upset her or something?" Jace wondered.

He was pretty sure he didn't say anything offensive though. But looking at Lorelei's reaction, she seemed to be mad at what he just said.

Shouldn't she be happy that I complimented her? He pondered.

Jace's brows met as he realized something. 

Don't tell me she misunderstood my words again?

He facepalmed and followed it with a sigh. Sometimes he just wonders why in the world she ended up liking the girl. But it's not like he had total control over his feelings anyway.

Before Lorelei could get farther from him, he called her. "Hey! Lorelei!" Jace then ran after her.

It wasn't that difficult following her since she was just walking briskly away from him earlier. This time, it was him who blocked her way when he finally managed to catch up.