Chapter 10: The Attack

The ground was shaking like there was an earthquake but stopped after 30 seconds. Everyone was confused and scared about what was going on. Little kids were crying and it was a stressful time for everyone in the city. Simon ordered everyone to enter the underground bomb shelter in the basement of the gym for safety. Simon asked Mike and Carson to find out what happened. Mike sent out Dartrix out of it's Pokeball for Safety and Carson sent out Squirtle.

Suddenly, black smoke was in the air and it was hard to see. Simon threw them gas masks to prevent smoke inhalation. Mike decided for Dartrix to use gust to clear the smoke to make it easier to see. They were running around finding where the smoke was coming from until they heard another big bang. Carson spotted smoke coming out of the city's basement. They entered the basement and saw 2 Team Boom Grunts in there. They were planting a bomb in the city's generator. Mike saw a giant C4 Bomb placed right beside the live wires. Mike whispered to Dartrix to use Shadow Sneak and attack the Grunt.

The grunt fell off to the floor and sent out his Ekans. The other grunt sent out a Mankey. Mike and Carson decided to take them on through a double battle. Dartrix used Gust and Mankey got slammed right into the brick wall, Squirtle used Water gun on the Ekans. Ekans used poison sting on Dartrix, but Dartrix was able to avoid it in the nick of time. Mankey use Arm Thrust on Squirtle which did moderate damage. Dartrix finished off Mankey and Squirtle finished off Ekans with ease. Carson saw a blue aura around Squirtle, It was evolving. Squirtle evolved into a Wartortle! Mike and Carson cornered the Boom Grunts, but one of the grunts had a remote, where if he presses the red button. The bomb would explode and kill everyone in Centron City.

Mike and Carson were worried, but Dartrix used shadow sneak and scared the grunt and he dropped the remote. Carson picked it up and threatened the grunts to say where Mike's mom was or else they would be killed. All the grunt could say was that his mom was being kept at their base. When Carson asked where their base was, The grunt said he couldn't reveal it. Carson gave the grunt 5 seconds to spit it out.

5 seconds passed and Carson ordered his Wartortle to use Icy Wind to freeze them to death. The bodies were covered with Ice and Mike went to the Centron Police to help them defuse the bomb. Mike remembered that back in Route 1, Squirtle was able to learn an Illegal move. When Mike asked Carson about it. He didn't say anything, but Mike said he could trust him and Carson decided to spit out the truth...