Chapter 37: The Radiation

They decided to go to the radiation specialist in the town. The town was fairly small so it wasn't that hard to find it. They found the building, there was a sign that said Amanda M: Radiation Technologist. They entered and saw a tall and thin woman. She said that she was expecting them because the policeman back in Moako City told her that a group of teenagers needed to talk to her.

Mike explained to the young woman that there was a release of radiation in Moako City that made Pokemon rage. Amanda said that she had never seen this before ever. Mike said originally, there was a woman who was shooting a liquid at Pokemon called Paromychomia Menonia. She said that she has never heard of the liquid before, but the vet sent her the sample and she took Mike and the gang to her testing lab. She did highly detailed research on it. She said that this liquid was man-made by someone, but that person is unknown. She also said that this liquid could be turned into radiation by a special B-Tech Radiator. She also claimed that this liquid probably came from the sewers as this gas only rises not falls. It was most likely coming from the sewer. She said if you found that radiator, you would most likely find your suspect.

Amanda messaged the Police Captain in Moako City to find that radiator and to send a message to Mike once they did. Mike, Georgia, and Carson thanked Amanda for her help and they went off to an All-you-can-eat buffet. While they were eating, Georgia told Mike and Carson a secret she had been keeping for the past few days. She said that she was quitting her journey from being a Pokemon Master. Ever since she restarted her journey, she just didn't have the determination to be a Pokemon Master. Georgia's Mother was a gym leader and didn't know how to explain that to her. Mike said that her mother will understand. Georgia said that she wants to be a Pokemon Coach, who puts their Pokemon in contests for style and battle. Mike thought that was awesome but he was still going to be the master.

Georgia also added that she still would be continuing with Mike and Carson, to defeat Team Boom. Then, when they were walking back to their hotel, Boomer came up and said that his gym was reopening tomorrow and they can be the first to battle...