Chapter 36: The Call

Mike and the gang have finally entered Pentham Town. The ground was made from a type of sandstone. The buildings in the city were relatively old, but the town was still busy. They decided to go to the Pokemon Center. When they entered, Nurse Joy ran up to Mike and said to call a certain number on the Pokemon Center Video Caller in exactly 3 minutes. Mike didn't know what was going on. 3 minutes later, he called the number. His mother showed up on the screen. She said that Team Boom would let her speak to her son alone for only 8 minutes.

She didn't look hurt, she said that it was a rough time at Team Boom. They locked her up in a cell, and gave her disgusting meals a day, but she wasn't beat up. Mike told her about Uncle Kevin's story and asked her mother if it was true. She said it was true, his father became a Team Boom member because he was forced to. Mike showed his mother the 3 badges he had earned. He also claimed that he was going for his 4th badge right now! Then, his mother confessed something. Before Mike was born, his father was forced to become a Team Boom member. Team Boom also forced Mike's mom to become a Team Boom member when she was pregnant with Mike alongside with Mike's father. She said that Team Boom would constantly torture their grunts, but one day when they were sleeping, she secretly escaped to Ikerlight City, then moved to their house on Route 1 , raising Mike on her own. Team Boom didn't know where she was for 16 years.

They found out and kidnapped her for revenge. Mike said to her mother not to worry as Mike was gonna save her. After talking for a while, a Team Boom Grunt walked in and turned off the video call. Mike was shocked as he had learned that his mother was a Team Boom Member, but he was glad that she escaped. He couldn't stop thinking about that video the whole day. They then decided to go to their hotel and sleep, then go to the radiation specialist the police chief in Moako City told them to visit...