Chapter 42: The Special Move

Since Kishore had saved Mike, Carson, and Georgia, he decided that he would like to have a rematch with Mike. Kishore claimed to be stronger than the last battle they have had. Mike accepted his request and went up to some flatland. Kishore sent out Vanillish and Mike sent out Lampent. Mike let Kishore have the first move. Vanillish used Icy wind, then Lampent hit Vanillish back with a flame burst. Vanillish used Avalanche on Lampent but was able to finish off Kishore's first pokemon with a flamethrower. Kishore was admiring Mike's battling style, admiring his moves.

Kishore decided to send out his next Pokemon, Vigoroth. Vigoroth was acting energetic after getting out of its Pokeball. It was running in circles. Vigoroth started off with a slam, which Lampent was immune to. Mike decided to take it easy and sent out Riolu. Vigoroth used slam on Riolu, and did damage this time. Riolu used a powerful power-up punch on Vigoroth. Vigoroth used a powerful Slash on Riolu, which did some damage. Riolu was able to finish off Vigoroth with a powerful Aura Sphere.

Kishore said it was time to send out his final ace pokemon. Kishore sent out Ampharos. Mike remembered that Flaaffy was really powerful back when they battled in Moako City, he couldn't imagine how powerful it would be as an Ampharos. Mike decided to keep Riolu in. Ampharos used a powerful Thunderbolt on Riolu, which left it Paralyzed. Ampharos finished off Riolu with a power gem. Mike decided to send out his ace, Decidueye. Decidueye used Leaf Blade on Ampharos, but Ampharos came back with Discharge. Decidueye used Spirit Shackle, and Ampharos used Signal Beam which did lots of damage. Decidueye missed a Leaf Blade that was targetted towards Ampharos.

Suddenly, Kishore was doing a little dance with his Ampharos. The bracelet on his wrist lit up and shined in a Z Shape. Then, an orange aura was surrounding Ampharos and Kishore ordered it to use a special move called Gigavolt Havoc. The insanely powerful electric move instantly knocked out Decidueye. Mike immediately sent out Zoroark disguised as Lampent. He told Zoroark to use Dark Pulse and knocked out Ampharos. Kishore wasn't surprised as Mike beat him. Kishore said he was looking forward for an upcoming battle and would win it.

Mike asked Kishore about the little dance and the special move he used. Kishore said that was a Z-Move. He explained that you can get them in the next city over, but you need to pass a certain test. Once you pass the test, you get a special bracelet and Z-Crystal. He explained that each crystal has it's own different move. The move he used, Gigavolt Havoc was electric, and he showed Mike the Electrium Z-Crystal. He claimed that certain Pokemon have their own exclusive Z-Crystal and move. He recommended Mike to check it out in the next City over. Kishore said his goodbyes and ran off in the distance...