The Gathering

After arriving at the ship that will be taking us to Ilum with Laila, I see the rest of the younglings of my clan gathered up next to the ramp of the ship. This included Ashoka , Knox and a bunch of extras that no one cares about.

Standing with the younglings always felt weird since I was around a foot taller than all of them, it makes for a pretty funny scene too onlookers. Around 2 minutes of standing and waiting, our escort for the gathering arrived, it was Nahdar Vebb, a Mon Calimari padwan apprenticing under the jedi master Kit Fisto a.k.a the guy that got blasted by grievous on stream.

Vebb tells us, "Younglings, today is the day where you will create your lightsabers" followed by ensuing excitement from the majority of the younglings. "Now, can one of you tell me what the most important part of a lightsaber is?" he asked us.

Knox replies "The most important part of the lightsaber is the cyber crystal sir" Vebb give him an approving nod "That is correct, this ship will ferry us to the planet Ilum where all of you will be sent too collect a kyber crystal for your very own lightsabers".

"Now come on the faster we get on the ship the faster we'll get there" following this most of the younglings excitedly pushed there way onto the ship. Getting on the ship from the back of the crowd was me, Laila, Knox and Ashoka.

Ashoka asked us with a grin on her face "You guys excited to finally get your own lightsabers", with a fanatic look Knox replies "You bet I am, I'll get my cyber crystal and build my saber no problem. And when the apprentice tournament happens I'll show the masters how good I am".

Damn someone's motivated, I all seriousness though Knox is a decent enough guy. It's just that he admires the jedi way too much, no joke I wouldn't be surprised if he's had a couple wet dreams about becoming a padawan already.

"Whatever Knox, but you know you'll have to beat me if you want the masters attention." Ashoka on the other hand is similar to how she was in canon, although she's less arrogant now. Don't get me wrong she's still cocky as hell but it's in a more competitive way she expresses it, mostly to wind people up. I doubt that when the clone wars hit she'll let her arrogance cloud her judgement in combat situations.

Truly though she has the right to be arrogant, if it weren't for me she'd be the best in this clan hands down. She can even match me at times if we compare purely lightsaber technique, Knox and Laila are good but Knox is just that, and Laila seems to want to be more of a support jedi knowing skills such as force healing, force light, force barrier and revitalise. It's quite the impressive resumé even if her lightsaber combat it lacking slightly because of it.

Turning to me Ashoka asks "What about you big guy, you excited about getting your crystal".

"A little bit" I reply with a small smile. This elicits a jab in the side from Laila as she says "Come Lycan, I know your excited"

And too fucking right I was, who wouldn't be if they were this close to getting a laser death sword that can stab through just about everything.

"Guess your right but you won't catch me fangirling like a little bitch in front of all yous"

Getting a round of shook heads for my swearing we finally made it to some seats on the ship. From a seat down the front I hear Vebb shouting "Strap in, younglings once we jump to hyperspace it'll take us a couple of hours till we reach Ilum so get comfortable."

Looking at the other 3 round the table I pull out a deck of cards, shuffling them I ask "Who wants dealt in then?"


After trouncing a few amateurs at cards for a couple hour we see the ice planet Ilum from the ships windows. All I could think was how fucking cold it was going to be. Sure with this body it wasn't going to be that bad, but before I transmigrated I hated the cold with a passion and living in Scotland it was freezing most of the year plus the rain made the cold 10 times worse than it already was.

And now just to get a magic crystal I have to run around in a cave that's most definitely below freezing. You could tell I wasn't in the best of moods.

"Cheer up Lycan" Laila says while rubbing my back, "Shouldn't you be happier about reaching Ilum? We're this close from getting our crystals".

Looking down at her I responded "It's no the crystals I'm concerned about it's the temperature, I can feel the cold from up here" adding another shiver to prove my point.

"Come on, I thought you were tougher than this" and that ladies and gents was all it took for me to get my act together. Straightening my back I looked at the planet once more and said "Too right I am, I'll get my crystal rapid style so I can chill back at the ship next to the heater" earning a giggle from Laila.

When the ship landed the boarding ramp opened up and settled down in the cold snow, striding down the ramp me and the rest of the clan were taken to a massive wall of ice by Vodd and asked to help him open the passage way. Using the force we moved the ice to reveal the entrance to the temple and guess who we met inside.

Honestly I've no clue what his goal was coming her before us, like is it not better we share the same ship and save money instead of yoda coming here himself. Whatever what do I know, maybe he wanted to look mystic or some shit.

Walking up to yoda the padawan bows and moves to the side to allow Yoda to speak.

"Younglings, come for you to collect your cyber crystals, the time has. Your crystal, you must trust in yourself, to find" nodding sagely Yoda uses the force to move the massive crystal on the roof allowing it to do that mad cool light bouncing thing. As the light beam melts the ice door Yoda advises "The door will freeze over again, and you will be trapped, as daylight ends".

And of course some daft cunt asks "BuT wHaT wIlL wE dO iF wE dOn'T gEt BaCk In TiMe", like mate its fucking ice you don't even need the force to break that shit just give it a few jabs and it'll break.

The jedi must say shit like that as a scare tactic so that the younglings feel pressured to find the cyber crystals or something.

"Trapped inside, for a whole rotation, you will be" Yoda replies to the youngling. "Wait, you should not, find your crystal, you should" As he says this the majority of the clan sprinted in and started running around like heedless chickens.

"Are we all going to split up, or do you want to stick together till we find our own crystals?" said Laila as her eyes ran across the 3 of us.

I told them my opinion "I don't mind we should find our crystals either way".

"I'm fine with that" "Same here" Knox and Ashoka both spoke. Deciding on that, the 4 of us head into the cave to look for a cyber crystal.