
Look at the Jedi High Council incredulously "What do you mean I'm not taking the initiate trails" I spluttered. At this point I'm fucking shitting myself no initiate trials means one of these two things. Either I'm getting exiled or some shit, but I doubt it since I've not done anything that could prompt that decision... that they should know of. Or I'm getting a master and fuck that noise.

This has got to be one of the worst times to get a Master. It's like a couple months away from the battle of Genosis, the jedi got ripped to fuckin shreds there, and I'm wanting none of that. I love life thank you very much.

If your wondering how this life threating decision came to be we'll need to rewind a bit.


{Some time earlier}

The Crucible landed at the jedi temple, after a fun filled lightsaber making adventure. On the way back we all showed each other our light sabers, the three of them went for pretty standard lightsaber hilts with no special modifications. Pretty boring if you asked me but what can I say it's not my lightsaber. The rest of the trip was mostly spent playing cards, and me thinking about testing my new weapon out on Wires.

Bet he'll love getting slashed up as practice, ahh droids you've got to love them.

Walking down the landing ramp, me and the clan of youngling listen to some final words of wisdom from our escort Vebb. As he finished though Shaak Ti came over to the group.

"Can Lycan please accompany me to the High Council" she asked the escort, getting a swift yes as an answer since of course padawans don't have an opinion when a Jedi Master asks for something. Master Ti then turns to me and gestures to come over "Follow me Lycan the High Council has come to a decision about your future".

Pretty confused as to what she meant by that, I tailed behind her and probed "What do you mean by that?". Earning a reply from Shaak Ti as she said "Come on can't you wait till we make it too the chamber".

"Of course, of course just trying to get some information on what I'm walking into, I mean it does concern my future" I told her.

Shaak Ti's eyes glance over me for a second and she tells me, "I see the gathering hasn't changed your lack of decorum."

"What can I say, some things will never change" I spoke back.

"At least have more etiquette when you speak to the rest of the council, I might not mind but I don't think everyone there shares the same views" she advised me.

"Sure, but what do I get for being on my best behaviour" I coaxed trying to get something out of this situation.

A tick mark appears on the council members forehead "You do realise I'm trying to look out for you here, do you think Master Mundi would be happy with your lack of respect" she states with more tone in her voice.

"Of course not but what's he actually going to do, stare the face off me" I said making Shaak Ti Shake her head.

"I wondered what I was thinking when I agreed to that proposal" she sighed as we made it to the council chambers entrance. The doors to the room slide open and Shaak Ti gestures for me to go to the centre of the room while she takes her seat.

Standing in the middle of the room I greet Grandmaster Yoda, who's somehow magically got here from Ilum. After giving him a short bow I stand in front of the council in a relaxed manner, hands in my pockets as I look at the other council members stopping over Plo Koon's handsome mug for a few extra seconds as he gives me a reassuring nod.

Eventually Yoda speaks up "Decided, your future path we have. Taking the initiate trails, you shall not". This caused my previously relaxed body to lock up.


{Back to the present}

"We mean we are promoting you to the rank of padawan, therefore there is no need for you to do the trials" Mace Windu said causing all my hopes of exile to fall into the abyss.

"But how do you know I'll ready to become one" I countered back as a cold sweat begins to form on my back, "Those of us on the council think you what showed enough skill and knowledge in the force to be promoted to padawan. You know the mantra, and from your training with me I can clearly say you have the will to resist the pull of the darkside, the only thing preventing you from being a padawan was the creation of your own lightsaber." Mace Windu strongly stated leaving no room for arguments.

"Then how will a I get a master, surely I'd need to perform in the tournament to gain the approval of a potential master" I said hoping they'd delay it until after the tournament.

"We have all agreed that, you competing in the tournament will make it an unfair challenge for your opponents. Your top of your clan at both force and lightsaber technique, adding in your size and body's physical capabilities will make for a spar where your opponent is wildly outclassed, therefore giving them no chance to display their own talents without making it seem as you are allowing them the chance to do so." Windu surmised.

What kind of dogshit reasoning is that, is the whole point in the tournament not to show your skill. So what if I let them get a few easy shots, surely the potential master could still tell how skilled the youngling is from in.

"We have already chosen a master for you and gotten their approval on the matter" That's the final nail in the coffin, chances are I'll be fucking dead soon, killed off by either the droids or the bugs. Fuck this shit man, I'll need to find a way to desert soon maybe I'll should be able to kick it as a bounty hunter I just need to lay low for a while so the order doesn't find me.

While I was planning my great escape, the doors to the council chamber slid open waking me from my reverie. I wasn't in the right mindset to be ready for what came through those doors. A blue skinned twi'lek on her head was a traditional headdress for the species that framed her face and had parts coiling down the length of both lekku. She was wearing a thin black crop top revealing a fair amount of cleavage to onlookers and showing off her athletic midriff along with some tight leggings that highlighted her curves.

My mind done a complete 180, all I could think of now was how her hips must be the widest the galaxy has ever seen.

"Jedi Knight Aayla Secura has been appointed your as your master for the foresee able future based on recommendations from the council and Jedi Master Qinlan Vos".

You know what maybe the genosian and jedi armies won't be as bad as they were in cannon. Could even get brownie points with 'Master' for heroically saving her all heroic and manly like.

Finishing up the meeting Yoda slowly said "Dismissed, this meeting now is. and may the force be with you". Everyone in the chamber stands up to leave, getting a wave from both Plo and Shaak its now just me and my new boss left in the room.

Staring at each other for a moment Aayla says "Master really downplayed your size when he spoke about you" the high difference between us was quite comical for a Master apprentice duo. Despite her being tall for a female twi'lek coming in at 5'5, she was still nearly a foot smaller than me.

"I take it your Master is Vos then" getting a nod in reply. Honestly I totally forgot Vos even had an apprentice, he never spoke about Aayla whenever he stopped by my room since we normally just talked about lad stuff. He's quite a laugh when he's not out tearing it up on the battle field.

On that note Aayla declared to me "Let's go find a seat and we'll talk about why you we're made my padawan". Trailing behind her we leave the empty council chambers as we walk off to find a place for a chat.