Apprenticeship 5

After a relatively easy trip to an upper level of Coruscant with a lower crime rate. I bought a flat to stash the money in along with the disruptors we took from the testicle faced cunt.

We checked out the ship he had too, disappointingly it was nothing special just a basic Coruscant Freighter.

Not really worth upgrading but it can still be used to carry shit so I won't be selling it yet. Can't wait for my ship to come so I can take it for a spin.

Right now I'm in the entertainment district, and you already know what the script is. Am gonny git fuckin mad wae it aff alien drink, it's a Scottish's mans wet dream.

Heading to the Outlander Club, that club where Obi-wan was tempted to buy death sticks. From the reviews that were on the Holonet said it was the best value club in this area.

So with the intent of getting rattled I entered the club.

What a fucking disappointment this is. There's not even tunes on just cunts walking about in silence, where's the fun in that. No even a band or anything. This just pushed me further down the line of making tunes for these boring cunts. Shit maybe I could make a club that doubles down as an information broker, sounds like a sound plan to me.

Walking up to the bar, I was amazed at the different kinds of booze they had in stock, there's literally so much bevvy here I've never drank before, so many different ways to black out.

In fact do I even want to black out again, this shit happened last time. Fuck it fingers crossed I won't end up in a different universe again.

Ordering some ardees from the Human bar tender was easy as just asking, what can I say being this tall, tattooed and handsome has its perks. Never even had to use a jedi mind trick.

Taking my first swig of intergalactic alcohol and I must say, unlike these aliens taste of music, their alcohol is spot on. I doubt this stuff's very hard though, should probably branch out onto some spirits. Unlucky that Wires can't drink must be fucking shite living like that.

A few rounds later that consisted of a multitude of different drinks, a man who I could tell was force sensitive sat in the barstool next to me. He had unkempt black hair with some stubble that made him look like a dodgy dealer you'd see around here trying to punt death sticks.

"What's a padawan like you doing here didn't the order teach you better" The man said while ordering a drink for himself.

The man was Rael Averross and if I actual gave a fuck about the jedi order this guy would be my role model. He was like Qui-Gon Jinn on steroids with a drinking problem. He overall didn't give two fucks about how other people seen him, as long as it didn't break the code he was all for it. Don't really know much about him other than he was Count Dooku's padawan.

"What can a man do when he's got role models like you" I jested back at him, getting a shrug of a shoulder from the jedi master.

"What can I say, a man's gotta do what a mans gotta do. Jedi or not" he sagely said.

Nodding I raise my cup and say "I'll drink to that" and we clinked our glasses together, officially beginning the first Jedi sesh in all of galactic history.

"So really, why you here I know I don't check in on the younglings these days but for one to turn up here as soon as he's a padawan. That's got to say something about the orders methods" he asked me.

"The trainings boring as fuck mate, what'd you expect me to do when I can finally get a drink" I tell him while finishing my glass of jet juice.

"That's it young padawan, let the drink flow through you" Rael quipped, fucking hell I nearly spat the booze back out when he said that. I imagine every jedi on Coruscant just felt a disturbance in the force when he said that.

"If the council heard you staying that they'd be in uproar" I told him as I ordered another glass of jet juice, that shits what I'm looking for, something hard to get me blotto. Its a pain in the the arse having a body like this since my alcohol tolerance feels like its double what it was back in Scotland.

And that's saying something.

"The councils always in an uproar, should've seen them the time I convinced Qui-Gon that getting pussy was a good idea Hahahaha". Ordering a jet juice of his own Rael told me about his antics with his late friend and I quote he said 'Falling in love—that's what the Jedi Code forbids. Getting laid? Not so much.' what a legend, fuck Ki-Adi-Mundi he got special permission for it since his species cock doesn't work properly so he doesn't count.

After a good laugh and a few more drinks he tells me "I'm going to head out front for a cig, you coming".

Quickly downing the rest of my drink I said "Sound mate, but only if you tap is wan" already with a fag in his gub he replies "Fine, I'll even jump in for a packet if you want".

Leaving the bar we stepped round the side alley and he pulls out 2 cancer sticks. I started cracking up when he pulled his lightsaber out to light his fag.

Eventually I got round to lighting mine while my intoxicated mind watched in shock and awe at the smoke bending Rael was doing. When he said to watch him I was expecting hoops and shit, no full blown starships made out of smoke.

"Here mate, you ever though of making a force technique like that" I asked cause honestly I think its plausible some sort of illusion technique or an escape one.

"No can't say I have. I only learned it since it's good for picking up the Twi's around here" This guy man, the only Jedi master with decent patter. Don't get me wrong Plo Koon and Shaak Ti are nice but you couldn't banter around with them like you can with Rael.

"Am serious mate, a think it's got potential" I told him.

Ceasing to blow more smoke contraptions Rael thinks for a moment and says "Fuck it sounds like a decent idea. Won't be able to do it sober though so I'll tell your master we're going round Coruscant for some secret training if you catch my drift".

"Aye mate, becoming one with the booze and all that" I say wisely with a serious look on my face.

Dibbing the fags out Rael said to me with a sly smile "You know speaking of your master I spoke with her before I left and she said you've got training tomorrow" fuck forgot about that. I'll need to get up early as well, hopefully my sexy body will kick in and save me from a hangover.

"Forgot about that man, I'll have to head" before I could turn to leave Rael grabs me and says "Don't go through the main entrance smelling of alcohol the sentinels are assholes about drinking. If they see you going in drunk they'll end up taking you to the council for some sort of reprimanding for drinking so young, plus your Master will end up in trouble for not keeping you on a leash".

"What do you suggest then?", the Jedi Master smiles at this and answered "You and your droid follow me. I'll show you my secret passage that I take when I go back to the temple pissed".

Following along with Wires he takes us down winding side streets till we end up directly beneath the temple. From there on we had to some mad parkour while Wires was strapped to my back. Defos need to stick a jetpack on him, fact I need a jetpack. I could just fly up instead of jumping everywhere.

Eventually we reach the ventilation shaft that leads to them temple. At this moment I realised how much work he put in finding this route out.

Stopping, Rael reaches into his pocket and give me a sheet of paper that had the ventilation layout for the entire temple saying "You keep it, I've got a couple copies in my room. I only need it for when I'm proper drunk and forget the way back".

"Cheers mate, al catch ye after then" waving at the sound as fuck jedi master I head for the ventilation in my hall so I can at least get a little sleep before my dangerously sexy Master starts training me.