Battle of Geonosis 2

As the jedi strike team spread across the arena ignite their lightsabers, the thousands of geonosians begin to scatter to safety. The sun was blotted out from all the flying bugs, casting a shade covering the floor of the soon to come battlefield.

From where I was standing I could see Windu sharing words with the count, while his saber was pressed to Jango Fett's neck. Suddenly blaster fire started coming from from the hall behind the Jedi Master, causing him to deflect several with his lightsaber which gave Jango the breathing space to switch his wrist mounted flamethrower on and send a plume of fire towards Windu.

Sensing the flames rapidly surging towards him windu backflipped off the podium down to the floor of the arena, blocking several blaster bolts during the descent.

This is when it all started, most of the geonosians had flew away at this point so the arena had brightened up once more, giving everyone a clear view of the B1-series battle droids that had already begun to flood the arena and several of the surrounding seating entrances.

Igniting my purple saberstaff I started deflecting blaster fire back at the few battle droids coming out from an entrance nearby. Dashing towards them I slash and stab in rapid succession till they were all destroyed.

While keeping my guard up I look at my Master who finished off the droids on the level above me, she then jumped down next to me and began to give instructions "Lycan we must stay nearby other jedi, follow me down to the ground".

Before I could show my understanding Aayla leaps into the fray, prompting me to jumps down next to her. Hitting the sandy ground I'm forced to block shots from varying directions, spinning the saberstaff around me I retreat further into the group of jedi.

As I was deflecting the enemy's bolts back at them I could smell the scent of cauterized flesh. Glancing around the battlefield, I saw that the first of the Jedi have already began to fall.

Cocking my head to the side, a red flash fizzes by my ear. Before it could shoot any more rounds I span round launching yellow lightning from my fingertips. The crackling stream jumped from droid to droid, incapacitating them before the fell to the ground.

Putting my form 3 guard back up, I heard a distinct sound a few tens of meters to my left. Looking over I was just in time to see a sonic canon, manned by geonosians plow through a couple of jedi , basically inverting all their bodies.

It was not a pretty sight.

Getting that sight out my head I began shooting waves of lightning out towards the waves of oncoming droids frying their circuits.

Sensing the approaching heavy blaster fire I use force speed to augment my movements. Rapidly covering the meters I stop to see my previous position blackened by a droideka's blaster cannons. Luckily it's shield wasn't up.

Before it could rotate its body to fire in my direction I split my saberstaff and launch one of my lightsabers at the vulnerable droid. As one of my lightsabers spin through the air, I deflected a shot before slicing through the super battle droid next to me.

Without looking I use the force to drag my second lightsaber from the remains of the droid. With the lightsaber in my palm I continue to cut through the dwindling number of droids on the arena floor.

With a several jedi casualties, the second company of droids begin to enter through the competitor's gates. Only this time more B2 units were mixed in... and a C3-PO-B1 hybrid droid.

With the diminished number of droids I could make my way over to the edge of the ring, giving my back cover form all the blaster fire. As I reached the destination an unexpected companion jumped down from the wall above me.

Landing on the sand next to me the shaggy looking man in a sarcastic voice "Seems like the plan never worked" as he sent an incoming shot right back at the sender.

Already knowing who this was I replied "I'm surprised you're even here, thought you called in sick since I never seen you at the rendezvous point back at the ships".

Force pulling a clanker from the edge of the arena down onto my saber, Rael spat "I wish, the council caught me before I could even get a drink in me."

Fending off some incoming shots I have the time to tell him "Unlucky mate, should've brought some with you". Rael force pushes a few droids rendering them out of commission, "Why don't you give me a drink of yours, my alchy sense is tingling so don't try and lie" he seriously remarked.

"Aye right how you planning on having a drink here there's no cover" I said. As these words came out Rael pointed upwards the jumped out of the arena and into the stands. Leaping behind him, I followed him into a side tunnel, one that gave a fair amount of cover from every direction but the front.

Rael presses his back against the collapsed walkway and holds his hand out as if expecting something. Seriously it's a wonder how the Jedi put up with this addict. At least he didn't turn up on deathsticks.

Tossing Rael the flask he cracks it open and takes several large gulps while I was blocking any blaster shots that came from the front. I hear the lid of the flask close, skillfully the jedi master opens the pocket on my belt and slips the flask back in plus a couple cigs, to which he says "You'll need a smoke if we survive this".

He's not wrong there, the arenas not a pretty sight at all.

Looking over the arena I was just in time to see Coleman Trebor fall to his death, the movies didn't show you his body when it landed and now I know why. The cunt turned into an alien pancake.

As me and Rael were chopping up droids on the way back to the arena, the number 1 bounty hunter and Mace Windu had already started their conflict.

The mandalorian flew down on his jet pack, attempting to snatch Windu's saber he dropped when the Reek tried to flatten him. Unluckily for Jango the jedi master used the force to pull the lightsaber back into his hands.

With his jetpack broke from almost dying to the charging Reek, he had no way to escape Windu's lightsaber strike. Cleanly slicing his head off, Boba Fett watched as his father head bounced across the sandy arena floor. Some real Jedi behaviour from Windu there, giving the us all a bad rep.

By the time me and Rael we back in the arena I seen the jetpack of Jango Fett lying on the ground unattended to.

And I wanted it.

With my skills it should be easy enough to fix it up. It'll save me the hassle of trying to find one on Coruscant, which could take years considering how rare it was to find one off mandalore.

"Rael help me get that jetpack and I'll pay for your next bar crawl" I seriously said catching the junkie jedi's attention.

Snapping his head in my direction he happily rejoiced "I'll hold you to that" and he started massacring the droids left right and centre.

Snapping my sabers back together I resumed deflecting and dodging red bolts of energy. Cutting through the droids, I make it too the headless corpse of Jango Fett. Rolling him over I disengaged the silver jetpack from his back.

Fuck Boba, if your not fast you're last. Might as well take wrist guards while I'm at it those are useful things. Not the rest of the armour though, no way to carry it. It's too small for me anyway. Not even proper beskar either, cheap bastard.

Maybe I should try and pull a Maul and take over Mandalore, butt that's an idea for another day. Right now I've got more pressing issues.

Strapping the jetpack to my back and tie the wrist guards to my belt I use force repulse to shatter the droids surrounding me. "Rael we need to get to the stands before the droids encircle us" I shouted at my friend.

"Was thinking the same thing, you go get your master I'll get... whoevers smart enough to come with me" he replied loudly, stabbing through a droid before running off to god knows who.

Identifying my master through the chaos of the arena I rush over cleaving through droids as I sprint. Raising a hand I send my electric judgement chaining through a group of B1's. Getting past their electrocuted leftovers I dodge to the side, avoiding a B2's wrist mounted blaster.

Flowing the force through my body, the distance between us rapidly closed. Spinning my saberstaff I cleave the wrist off the battle droid along with its torso. Catching the wrist mounted blaster mid-air I finally reach my master who was in the middle of bisecting a droid.

"Master let's move to the seating, we'll meet up with Master Rael and other Jedi and avoid the droid's encirclement" I pleaded. Taking my back the blue twi'lek leans against me, "You lead me, I'll cover your back on the way" she spoke in between blocks.

Leading the way, we power through the droids towards the seating area pathway me and Rael agreed upon.