New Additions

Calmly travelling through the bustling streets of Coruscant, I pass by the many different species of citizens that varied greatly from each other. The early mornings cool temperature brushed against my skin while the clear skies gave me a break from the previous near constant rain.

Walking down the path lined with large sky scraping buildings on either side, I marvelled in the temporary freedom I've been given.

Not long ago we returned from Escander, and were given leave for a period of time. Nothing definitive but it should be at least a couple days.

We spent an extra few days on Escander after getting orders to see if we can salvage anything useful from the wreckage of the facility. Which gave everyone something to do that wasn't killing or destroying things, still boring as hell but the clones make for good company.

Sadly we had to part ways with them after the Venator was parked in orbit. Clones still aren't given any free time on world yet so they've all been shipped to an outpost around some other battle zones in the galaxy, in case other armies need reinforcements.

Unlucky for them but I'm sure it won't be long till whatever senator it was passes the bill that lets them fuck around on allied worlds.

Aayla on the other hand went to meditate back in her quarters after we finished our report. Nothing unusual there but we did make plans to go out somewhere after training one day so that'll be nice.

Right now though I've arrived at a large rectangular elevator that travels into the depths of Coruscant, floating behind me are a few cargo carriers filled with the stuff I picked up while we looked through the debris.

Under the black covers, hiding the goods from any onlookers, is piles of battle droid parts and weapons from the droid army that was stationed on Escander. Along with some other things such as oil, fuel and maintenance tools just to keep stocked up.

Lining the carriers neatly in the elevator I moved over to the control panel, pressing a few keys I began to descend to the entertainment district along with my cargo carriers.

Ringing Wires from my wrist panel I tap my feet to the beat to the music playing in my headphones while the lift begins to quicken its descent.

Moments later the call goes through giving way for the participant on the other side to say "What a surprise, back already Master?, it seems like your mission was completed ahead of schedule".

"Just got back today, I'm heading down to the bar with some cargo just now. Want to do me a solid and clear some space up in the back room" I asked the droid.

"I get it done right thi... Give me a moment Master." he said stepping away from the communications device.

A few blaster shots were heard followed shortly by a scream of pain.

Moments later Wires was back on call "Sorry about that, I had an unexpected guest arrive. No worries though I'll clear the room out for your arrival" Wires said as if nothing out of the ordinary occurred.

Sighing at the droids obviously well practiced actions I said "Make sure to check if he has anything good on him. I'll be over shortly." and disengaged the call.

A chime went off and the turbo lift came to a stop, the doors screeched as they slid open revealing the entertainment district's floor, which was surprisingly well lit for how deep it was.

What followed was a relaxed walk through the mostly empty streets. The only people around at this time were either the one's fighting a hangover or people transporting things around, the latter mostly done by droids which gave the place a pretty quiet and empty feel.

Turning the corner I saw the holy ground, a shining beacon of goodness that illuminated this shitty place, my own bar and it's filled to the brim with drink.

Closing in on the building the sunlight hitting it brought the dimmed and discoloured walls into view, making it look less holy and more shitty. Damn the place looked much better in the dark, I'll need to paint as well... who am I kidding I just make a droid to do it. Why else would I have brought back all these parts.

Arriving at the main entrance, the large oval shaped doorway was already open and Wire was standing prim and proper at the centre waiting for my arrival. His plating shining from the sunlight as he welcomed me, "Glad to have you back"

"Same here, missed this place, and you of course. Here I've got something for you mate."

Undoing the covers slightly I reach for something on the levitating carriers, a few clanks later I pulled out a large vat of oil while Wires stood to the side in jubilation, well hopefully, his stoic unmoving face doesn't really give much away.

"Just what I needed, I could feel my joints getting stiff protecting this place" he said as we stepped into the building.

The inside was just as I left it, only the shelves behind the bar were stocked full of drink, along with sparkling clean glasses just waiting to be filled.

Oh and some Rodian thug tied up in the corner.

"How many times did this happen since I was away" I asked looking at the unconscious green alien.

"This would be the third time. But no worries I took care of them appropriately." Wires replied as he began to pour me a drink.

Taking a seat at the bar Wires slid me the pint glass full of cold beer. "Thanks" I said and took a gulp of low alcoholic goodness.

"So, were the people you deal with worth anything" I questioned the droid while wiping the excess froth from my lips.

"Some of them were, not much though. They only had bounties for small petty crimes. The moneys in the usual spot." he told me

"Doesn't matter moneys still money. I'm thinking about hiring some people today, you want to come?" I inquired.

Putting down the weirdly shaped glass he was cleaning Wires replied "If you will allow it I'd love to, It does get a little bland staying here for so long".

"No problem, I'll reprogram a few droid to keep watch while we're away. In fact I could get a few to paint the walls outside as well, those B1's could finally do something useful" I said

I'll need to paint all the droids too or I'll end up with the fuzz knocking at the door, and that'll be a weird one to explain. Should probably make a couple modifications to them as well, give them a different look. People would still be a bit freaked out seeing Separatist battle droids on Coruscant. Fuck it, it shouldn't take long anyway.

Tanning the rest my the pint I ask the bartender "Wires come give me a hand moving these off the carriers".

With his help we quickly transferred all the materials into the back room that I've been using to make and fix up things.

Right now it looks like a bombshell struck the place. Tools everywhere, random spare parts along with weapons lying around and now a massive junk heap of Separatist droid parts at the back of the room.

Taking a seat at the workbench I look around the room with lazy eyes.

"This place's a mess..." I sighed aloud wondering if I should tidy it up before making the droids.

"I couldn't agree more sir" Wire concurred causing me to sigh even more.

I'll clean up later... maybe? First things first, make some droids.

"Before I start, can you take that Rodian in" I asked.

"Was already going to, I'll be back soon then. Do enjoy yourself" Wires replied as I waved him off.

The next few hours consisted of varying amounts of building, destroying, reconstructing and modifying. Ideas came and went as I began to create the droids that would guard the bar for the foreseeable future... and paint the walls.

Parts were tossed around the room, some were faulty, some didn't fit and some were just outright broken. Sparks flew as I took the tools to the different pieces, changing them to my needs before setting them to the side and working on another part of the droid.

The designs I came up with had minor elements taken from the EG-5 template I got from the techno union guy. The most parts were too tech heavy for me currently and there was no way to make the same thing with the parts I had on hand, but some small details that I thought were nifty and do-able were added onto the droids.

Slowly but surely the Droid began coming into fruition. The first part to be complete was the main frame, it was lithe, thin but had more body in important areas. Most of it was made from the commando droids frame, the rest were parts from other models, tweaked to the right size.

The wiring was the easiest part most of them could be kept the same and the adjustments weren't difficult to make, which saved me a lot of time and hassle.

Next I put all the core components onto the frame, this was the hardest part as I had to fix up most of these since basically every one of them I had were damaged. But what do you expect when they're being make out of war scrap.

I had to code in new software from the droid brains to reach the desire outcome. I took parts from the different droid brains that were lying around, although most of the code came from Wires. I recycled the combat parts from Wires's droid brain and modified it slightly to suit the droid better. I also added in a small part of the EG-5 code, most of it was too complex for me to understand in the limited time I've studied it but I done enough to add a miniature hive mind into each droid.

The hive mind would only work for 3 droids maximum, any more would take up too much power and compromise the other systems. Still its good enough for just now.

After fitting the droid brains in all I had left to do was add the armour plating an give it a coat of fresh paint.

Taking a seat I admired my new creations 3 dark grey droids with a sleek design, just under my own height.

(Image Here)

They looked good from what I could tell, but only through testing would I be able to make sure of it.

Pressing a button on my wrist guard, the 3 droids activated. Their blue eyes flashing on as they began to test out their systems. In sync they began to move around, it started with just basic movement but they quickly began more complex actions. From the readings on my computer it could tell the hive mind worked from the way they sent each other information the got from the world around them.

Done with the motions the trio moves onto weapons, the wrist mounted blasters on their left hands began heating up, taking aim they fired on some battle droid parts I hung up as targets. All shots hit their mark, pausing their shots I used the force to more around the same targets, moving them at typical running speed while the droid began firing again.

By the time I finished the test barely any shots were missed, so i could confidently say that from close range these droids would be lethal, which is basically all I want for now since gunfights on Coruscant are mostly close range shootouts.

Lastly I picked up a blaster pistol from a desk and aimed it at the droids, synchronized the raised their right arms in front of them as the blue shield formed from their wrists. I modified the droideka shields to created a smaller wrist mounted one that would work on less power, so that the droids could have more defence by using their fast reflexes to block shots.

Pulling the trigger I unloaded a barrage of shots at them, starting off just aimed at the shields before aiming at different body parts. The hive mind came into play here as when a single droid got overwhelmed another would cover.

The shooting never lasted looks as the shields couldn't take too many shots before running low on power.

"I must say, these droids are quite impressive Master" Wires chimed in when I finished shooting.

"I think so as well, they still need more thorough testing but we can do that another day. I think it's about time we got a move on." I said.

"Finally" Wires cried with emotion in his voice "I was terribly bored painting that wall outside, I thought it would never end".

"It's your own fault, all you were doing was standing around doing nothing, your better of being useful" I told him before remembering something.

"Did you box those weapons?" I asked him. Earlier while I was working I told Wires to box some of the battle droid's weapons so we could sell them and make some extra money. I had loads of them, too many to use right now so I might as well sell them instead to letting them collect dust.

"Yes the container is packed and ready" Wires replied.

Turning to the newcomers I said "You guys finish up outside, lock up when you're done and wait for us to return".

"Yes sir" They said in a robotic voice.

Pulling a plain black mask and a hooded cloak out a cupboard, I put them on before turning to wires and telling him to use a holo cloak while we're out.

Instantly he changes into a random masked man with basic dark clothing and asks "It this one alright?".

Nodding at the droids we head for the door as be start our decent deeper into Coruscant.