In the thick of it 9

Nodding his head, Anakin called out to his second in command, "Rex, you came up with the plan. Have you got anything for them to do?"

Stroking his chin, Rex said, "I do, but you might not like it. It involves using the empty houses as a protective perimeter."

"Don't worry about them. What's a few houses compared to our entire village." Wang Too assured the clone trooper.

"Good, with that kind of attitude you'll make it through this no problem." Grabbing a stick of the ground, Rex began sketching out where he wants the makeshift barriers to go, as well as a few traps that the Lurmen could use to stall battle droids.

While the Lurmen got to work on fortifying the village, I asked Bly if there was any scrap metal lying about inside, or nearby the village. I had something I wanted to test out, but I'll need to make something to try it.

"No sir, the Lurmen don't have any metal's stored in their village, and the closest crash site is miles away." Bly concluded, putting an end to my idea before it even started.

"Bastard" I spat, before getting blinded by the glare coming off my body armour's wrist guard, "Ah ha! It's all good Bly, don't worry about it. Tell the general that I'm doing something important in case she thinks him slacking off."

"Why don't you tell me right now." A pleasant accented voice said from behind me.

"That I will" I responded, pivoting around to face my outrageously hot master, "Basically I have a method that should be able to take out the huge tank that's on its way over, but I'll need to make something to help do it."

"And that's why you need the metal?" She probed.

"Yep, going to use my armour for it, there should be enough durasteel if you total it all." I responded.

"Be honest with me, what's the chances of it working?" Aayla questioned.

"A solid ninety percent, if worst comes to worst we'll just follow Rex's plan. There's not much risk if something goes wrong." I answered, keeping to myself that there's a massive probability that I'll be taken out of commission if I do it wrong.

Satisfied, Aayla nodded, "Well, get to it then. I'll tell the others about it."

Walking away, she left me myself to unequip my armour and throw it into a pile on the ground. Once I had finished removing everything apart from Jango Fett's mandalorian wrist guard, I grasped the pile of durasteel with the force and made it levitate at eye level.

Igniting my lightsaber, using the heat from the blade, I began to melt the armour down to its malleable liquid form. As the durasteel turned into a bright mess of molten metal, I used the force to hold it in the air and shape it to my will.

The scalding hot liquid was quickly shaped into a long cylinder that slightly resembled a rocket, then I started to rapidly spin it, until the durasteel cooled down enough.

When it had reached a lower temperature, I fine tuned the design adding a coned nose and a few fins at its rear end, giving the missile-like block of durasteel its final shape.

Happy with it's design, I lugged it over my shoulder and lifted it over to the the makeshift wall everyone was making


"They're here!" Ahsoka shouted from her vantage point on top of the wall.

With Ahsoka's early warning, Jedi, clones and Lurmen all poked their head over the seed wall to glance at the Seperatist convoy. Even at a distance, we could still clearly make out the shape of the colossal tank that menacingly hovered towards us.

The holograms never did this beast justice, the tank was like a moving mountain, and its huge barrel seemed as if it would pierce the sky if it were any bigger.

Not as noticeable as the tank, were the small specks of dark grey and cream dotted around just ahead to the behemoth. Companies of B1's and B2's were marching in large square formation, their steps were all synchronised, sending dull booming sounds across the plains that slowly got louder, and louder.

Having never seen anything quite like it in their lives, the Lurmen that stayed behind were filled with nervous tension that only seemed to get worse the closer the droid's got. Though holding them in place was a fiercely resolute determination that prompted them to hold their ground.

I sensed nervousness permeating from Aayla that she seemed to release by chewing her bottom lip, as she asked, "When are you going to do the 'thing'?"

"Wait for them to fire whatever's in that canon, I'll need peace of mind before trying this or I might just fuck up." I responded, holding the metallic pike up to my eyes, preemptively adjusting my for when I let it rip.

Before Aayla could reply to my words, the thunderous noise of screeching metal resounded in everyone's eardrums, prompting many to try and block out the noise by cupping their ears.

The cause of the ear-splitting grinding was the huge Separatist tank raising its mammoth canon to the skies, preparing to blast us all to oblivion. It slowly picked out the correct angle for firing and started to build up charge.

Just before the tank's charge could build up to critical levels, I heard Anakin shout an order to one of the clones, "Now! Turn the shield generator on!"

Due to the clones keeping the generator's engines warm, a white pillar of energy shot from the oddly shaped device near instantly. Once it reached a certain height the white pillar fell to the sides forming a blue dome of energy that would - hopefully - protect us.

As the edges of the shield's curtain touched the ground, the tank's weapon fired a large, obscurely shaped projectile that slammed to the ground a few tens of metres away from the shields.

From the impact crater spewed a veritable sea of ravenous flame that quickly scorched across the long grass filled plains, stopping at nothing but the inanimate shimmering shields, which stood completely out of place in the blackened fields.

The Lurmen were horrified at the devastation wrought by the Separatist weapons, silently clenching their fists, they prayed that the group that left made it far enough away to avoid the all-engulfing fire.

"Lycan." My master called me, urging me to start. She had the same worries as the lurmen but kept them hidden behind a stoic mask so as to not demoralise our new allies.

Flicking my neck to each side letting the build up tension disappear in the form of two pops, I say, "Guess it's now or never then." Stepping up to the peak of the wall, I let the force carry the durasteel projectile into position.

With the rod floating in place in front of my face, luminous yellow lightning began to crackle on my palms, "Drop the shield when I give the signal." I told my allies.

The Lightning intensified, cackling wildly as it was applied to the durasteel, but that was just the start. Pushing even harder, the streaks of electricity grew to the size of my forearms as the magnetic imbalance created from the technique threatened to send the durasteel flying.

Multitasking I forced the rod to stay in place as the pressure continued to build. Wild arcs of lightning began to slip from my control, charring the ground around me and a few even coming close to the lurmen until Anakin and Aayla used their lightsabers to block.

Feeling my grip on the durasteel about to slip, I balled at the shield generator cunts, "Now!"

Thankfully they heard, and the blue curtain began receding, giving me the room necessary to let it fly.

And fly it did.

With a grand gong, the sloppily made railgun ammunition launched off at ridiculous speeds fully intent of decimating the Separatist battalion.


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