I went home and got dressed and then took my car

While in my car, I was just crying. Is that why he doesn't reply to me and answer my calls because of that woman?!.

I'm just crying crying, I want to forget even just tonight. So I went to the bar.

I ordered there--

"Hi Ms"

"I'm not fucking interested to you! Go away! Get lost." I drive away the man.

I cried and cried, because it hurts so much..

What did he like to that girl?!

She's not even pretty! Make up save her from.. uhg! even i have no make up I'm beautiful!

And I'm kind! That girl Brigette?! She doesn't seem to do well.

'So Judgmental' Said my mind

I've been drinking a lot

I was surprised that someone pulled saken.

"Hey .. who are you?." I try to reflect the face.

"Why are you pulling me out?!." I said angrily

"Danae! What are you doing here?!." Said the man

"Who are you? Your voice sounds like my ex hahaha."

"Shit !." I heard he cussed because I vomited on him


Tired of crying, I fell asleep.

WHEN I WAKE UP, I am not in my room and I am in another room ..

I tried to get up but my head hurt.

"Don't get up first." I looked at the man who talk

"I'm leaving." I said coldly

"What are you doing there?!."

"I do not know you." I pretend

"Fuck Danae! Stop being childish !." Disgusted he says

"Why did you bring me here ?, won't your loved one be angry? Brigette." I laughed briefly and shook

"She's not here."

"I'm going home."

"Later, eat first." He said, because I was already hungry I agreed.

"Where's my car?" I ask

"It's already at your home."

"Wow, and my car was really early to get home."

"Danae, and ahm, I'm sorry." He said

"K." My answer

"I can't blame you if you hate me, go ahead and hurry up and I'll take you home."

"K." And I hurried to eat.


"Thank you." I said not looking at him

"Go inside." He said and I just nodded.

When I enter my room. I cried again. I just really can't help it. 6 years we lasted. And there are many memories of us, especially here in my room. Here we are always watching a movie.

I miss that.

That's why he was cold to me for 2 months, because of Brigette. Where did he meet her?

My eyes don't want to stop it keeps on releasing tears.

Why do I have to suffer from a bad luck?