
f o r t e (Noun.)

a thing at which someone excels

“It is nice to meet you, Skadj.” The biologist reached out her hand as a peace offering. It was a small struggle to reach out the limb as she was still pulled into Brotte’s tight embrace. The female of his species bared her sharp canines and stalked around them. Circling them as if they were some sort of prey. Selcouth lowered his body closer to the ground in a protective stance, watching the female closely.

Each of Skadj’s steps had her clawed feet dragging across the muddy ground. It left marks with each movement. “Nefelibata siht ot esolc rehtar knitting eb ot mees uoy.”

Brotte bared his own teeth, curling further around Elain like the female would strike at any moment. Elain got that idea too, but she wasn’t too afraid that she was a threat. Their people were studying them. The biologist didn’t think this female had the authority to do so. She couldn’t even remember seeing Skadj at the Arelleane eht.